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Choline bitartrate

30 Nov 2016

Choline bitartrate is a source of a choline which is a part of Acetylcholine. Completely we interchange a phosphatidylcholine and lecithine with which many food (especially egg yolks) are rich.

Choline is necessary for synthesis of the majority of lipide components of cellular membranes and plays an important role in transport of fats in a cell and from a cell. At deficiency of choline in a ration the level of the carnitine providing utilization of fatty acids for the purpose of obtaining energy in heart, a liver and sceletal muscles decreases. Clinically it is shown by an intolerance of fat (a diarrhea and meteorism at fat consumption), arterial hypertension, disturbance of a cordial rhythm, implication of a liver and renal failure.

Choline is applied to treatment of diseases of a liver and at an atherosclerosis. You can try Hepatamin.

In medicine apply choline Sodium chloridum to treatment of diseases of a liver. For the analytical purposes use ability of a choline to give badly soluble salts with fosfornovolframov, platinokhloristovodorod and some other heteropolyacids.

Choline, its salts and Aethers are registered as E1001 nutritional supplement.

Choline bitartrate is well-cared in sports food

Bitartrate is well-cared contains in many sports additives though presence it doesn't exert almost any impact on cumulative effect of additive. At healthy nutrition, with food enough arrives it is well-cared therefore his additional reception doesn't bear in itself advantage.

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