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25 Oct 2016

Chitosan - a polysaccharide, derivative chitin, often in goes to composition of dietary supplements and a sports delivery. Chitosan has a large number of positive effects on a human body.


In a digestive tube chitosan breaks up to low-molecular substances and is easily acquired by an organism. The opinion that chitosan includes hyaluronic acid which is responsible for a part of positive effects of drug, is wrong since it is two different substances. After dissolution chitosan turns into gel which has the expressed adsorbing properties, that is is capable to absorb various toxic substances, and also to reduce digestion of fats from a digestive tube. Also it was defined that chitosan has antitumoral effect.


Chitosan is produced by deacetylation (excision of acylic group) of chitin. The last is a structural element of a cover of insects and Crustacea, and also is a part of a cellular wall of mushrooms. As a rule, all commercial products (Chitosan Evalar, tyansha Chitosan, a sports delivery) contain an admixture of chitin and chitosan.

Effects and use of chitosan

Molecules of chitosan are positively charged and well liquefiable in acidic and neutral environments. It gives to drug adhesive properties - linking with negatively charged molecules. Chitosan improves transport of polar medicines through a digestive tract wall. Derivative chitosan - Trimetilkhitosan the donor is used for delivery of DNA in a cell. Trimetilkhitosan is capable to get into cancer cells and to render cytotoxicity.

In agriculture chitosan is used, mainly, as a natural agent for processing of seeds and the accelerator of body height of plants and also as ecologically safe biopesticide which increases protective properties of plants against fungic infections and some other vegetable parasites.

Chitosan is also used as an auxiliary component in the course of a water filtration. It causes binding of fine particles in larger that enlarges efficiency of filters. Chitosan promotes excision of phosphorus, serious metals, fats and other suspended particles from water. So for example, if the ordinary sand filter deletes only 50% of contaminants, then at chitosan addition the percent increases up to 90%.

Recently scientists synthesized special pitch - polyurethane (to which polymeric materials chitosan is added), which is used for a covering of a surface of various objects. Distinctive feature of this covering is that fine scratches disappear in the sun in 1 hour of an exposition. It does possible polyurethane use, for example, for painting of cars which will keep exclusive gloss even after drawing fine scratches. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.


When drawing on a wound, chitosan causes bystry formation of a thrombus and promotes a bleeding stopping therefore it is added to dressing materials and hemostatic agents. The hemostatic drugs based on chitosan are approved by FDA and even in go to the first-aid kit of troops of the USA. It was by practical consideration shown that chitosan can stop even severe arterial bleeding which has dangerous character. Besides chitosan suppresses development of pathogenic bacteria in a wound.


Chitosan is often included into the sports additives intended for weight reduction. It is bound to its ability to be bound to fatty particles in a digestive tube and to reduce absorption. Chitosan can independently be applied as an agent to weight loss, during keeping of a low-calorie diet. In 2007 Cochrane analysed the uses of chitosan given in the relations for weight loss and concluded that chitosan promotes depression of level of a cholesterin and body weight. In comparison with placebo, the weight of control group was lost on on 1.7 kg only at the expense of chitosan that is very high rate. Its effect is dozozavisimy therefore many additives are ineffective in a type of low content of chitosan. Choose additives in which the dosage of chitosan makes not less than 1000 mg.

In experimental model of a stomach and an intestine it was shown that chitosan interacts with fats and suppresses an absorption in a duodenum, and also enlarges an egestion of fats with feces.

The mechanism of effect of drug still remains obscure, scientists agree in opinion that additional researches are required.


In several researches it was proved that chitosan doesn't cause side effects, this substance doesn't represent harm to health even in very large numbers. Some scientists considered that chitosan can reduce digestion of some vitamins and minerals and to respectively cause such side effects as vitaminodefitsit, etc. However the last research [10] showed that chitosan doesn't reduce absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Also the research on mice where ability of chitosan to suppress an absorption of nutrients (copper, Zincum and iron) was investigated was conducted carefully. Scientists didn't tap suppression of absorption of useful substances and side effects.


  • Sports delivery which contains chitosan:
  • Thermoloid from Goliath Labs
  • Chitosan from Nature's Science
  • Super Fat Bloc Chitosan from Ultimate Nutrition
  • Chitosan from Eclipse
  • Cheaters Relief from BSN - is laid off
  • chitosan from weider

Other additives:

  • Chitosan Evalar
  • Tyansha chitosan

The dosage and regimen of reception

The recommended dosage of chitosan of 1-2 g together with food or right after food.


For many years chitosan was advertized as additive for weight reduction, a so-called "trap for fat". It is claimed that chitosan is capable to reduce absorption of fats and level of a cholesterin in a blood. This statement is based on experiments on animals at whom as a result of reception of chitosan depression of level of a cholesterin and absorption of fats was noted. Nevertheless, the researches conducted among people showed not so impressive results. In them it becomes perceptible that chitosan doesn't exert any impact on a specific lot of fatty deposits, on changes in structure of a body] at the people adhering to a normal diet. Only in one of researches it was established that chitosan is capable to reduce the level of lipids in a blood of the person.

Recent experiments showed that influence of chitosan on absorption of fats is very insignificant, and 9,9 kcal/day are equivalent.] In other work researchers found out that the amount of the bound fats is so insignificant that weight reduction on 0,45 kg requires about 7 months at men while at women chitosan is noneffective at all.

Thus, modern researches showed that chitosan certainly is noneffective from the point of view of weight reduction and as "a fat blocker".

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