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Chinese Erotology and Healing

06 Dec 2016

Dr. Doping tells about Chinese meditation practice, an ancient treatise on sexuality and the division into male and female beginning.

To paraphrase a famous saying: if there was a Chinese Bible, it would be written that in the beginning was not the Word, and in the beginning there was the sexual energy. And if we look at the first treatises related to the recovery and meditative practices, all of them devoted to the regulation of sexual energy. This tradition has existed in various guises for nearly 2,500 years, and in the twentieth century, it began to change significantly and has gone through several important stages. First of all, for a long time in the historiography of the present text - they are widely translated - which did not come from China, and it was the meeting of Chinese texts, preserved in Japan. They were called Ishinpo and kept in the Imperial Library of Tokyo. These texts are widely translated since the 30s of the twentieth century known Sinologists - first Frenchman Maspero, then into many languages Dutch researcher Robert van Gulik, who, in fact, coined the term "Chinese sexual yoga", although, of course, such a concept in the Chinese practice never existed.

In many texts considered a forgery, because that in itself corpus was compiled, probably in the IX century and expanded in the XIII century to the great composition a variety of texts, from small, just two pages, to large tracts of 30-40 pages several Juan, there are several scrolls. This situation persisted until the years 1972-1974 was not opened the tomb of Mawangdui in Hunan in China, where there was, in fact, found a giant library of ancient texts, including, for example, one of the early lists of text "Tao Te Ching "Lao Tzu, and at the same time it was discovered about a dozen texts on sexual practices. The texts were without names, many of them are poorly preserved, and these were mainly texts on bamboo tablets. Some of them were in the form of silk books, that is, the texts written on silk, but the composition was repeated inscriptions on bamboo tablets. In the main text, which we attribute to the ancient sexology, - a text silk books, many of them are preserved in part and not amenable to interpretation and translation, other preserved quite well. Then they were given the name, and today we do not use those titles that were originally given - they did not have titles, and the names given to investigators. And, perhaps, the very first text, which is known for stories of human self-regulation is called "On the union of yin and yang" ( "Ho Yin Yang"), and it offers the first concept of energy regulation in the human body. In fact, this is the first treatise on ancient sexuality.

Immediately evident that since the text refers at least to the II century BC - and, most likely, some of his pieces belong to the III and, possibly, to the V-VI centuries BC, in fact, to the time of Confucius - we We need to understand that even then there were some schools. Mavanduya of texts - and there are about ten of sexual regulation - put a big question before us whether the school existed specifically or only methods? Accordingly, whether the teachers and their followers, or it was just some kind of household records, which were then brought together, as had once been kept records Lao Tzu? By repeated passages in different texts, we understand that, most likely, we are talking about the existence of schools, teachers, traditions and transmissions. We meet a number of stable phrases, which are then repeated almost throughout Chinese history, it can not be transferred outside, that is "out of school". Accordingly, we understand that the school existed. It can be studied only from teacher to student, so we can assume that already at least during the Han there were schools that were based entirely on sexual practices.

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What was the basis of these sexual practices? The man really was considered as a microcosm, which repeats all the energy and all the forces present in the macrocosm, that is, man is the point of copulation of yin and yang. Man must properly regulate it, and the concept of "fear of sexual energy loss" for the first time there. In the ancient texts it is referred to as yin - jing or yin - qi, that is, the seed - the yin and initially regarded as dark energy, female. This is related to the Taoist concept - tao as the all generating beginning. Here we must recall that in the "Tao Te Ching" present the concept of Tao as the feminine, because there is the phrase "of the dao womb all out," Dao is likened to a general female from which the womb leaves the whole world, and as a result, mating with female general is a product of this world. Sexual beginning supple, due to the yin, and, as a consequence, it is dangerous, because it is associated with a loss of energy, with energy streaming. And starting from the II century BC to the Middle Ages and practically develops the concept of retention of sexual energy in the human body.

Initially, there is no division in the feminine and masculine, male and female practice. However Mavandian texts say that the partners must imbue each other. It is expressed in terms such as, for example, "drinking the moisture of each other", "absorb qi each other", "exchange of qi." Then this concept (in this case it seems to be equitable between the two partners) in the Middle Ages formed in the masculine concept. Man saturate the woman, and consequently, most of the texts and practices related to the male practice. And from here there are texts that describe in everyday life, as a man must choose the right partner. There are just instructions on how a woman should look like, how it should be selected, for example, the hair shine, hair growth on the arms, on her walk, in spots on her body, that is, the woman is seen solely as a tool for man power.

Since the XII and almost to the XVII century there is a special women's literature. The most famous text - a "Manual of the goddess Queen Mother of the West", which is designed exclusively for women's practice. Here, the practice of female repeats men, only in reverse. The basis of the concept of man's practice was bi-ching, that is, locking seed, seed retention in the human body, because the rejection, the release of the seed is a loss of energy, as a consequence - loss of vitality. Therefore, retention is the basis. And there were many interpretations of what the hold. It's not all emissions and that abstinence from sexual activity for some time. And different schools offering different interpretations of the original concept. The principle was simple: the joy is delivered not release the seed, but simply through intercourse with a partner, but without release, a man and rejoices, and imbues himself, seeds itself. In Taoism masculine concept comes, perhaps, to such an absurdity, when blood men should be replaced entirely his seed. And, for example, one of the Taoist story tells: some peasant woman tried to seduce Taoist could not, and when he fell asleep, she was angry, stuck a knife into his body, and out instead of blood poured the seed; She was upset that I lost such a man. This, of course, was very widespread at the level of the Chinese myths.

The woman should hold a sho, ie blood. In this case, the blood is like menstrual blood, and an analogue of the energy that is associated with the concept of the male seed. In this case, women's blood is particularly energy substance. Texts already XVII century mock this concept, and the texts of medieval, IX-X centuries, still support the idea that a woman should be at the expense of certain exercises to stop menstrual cycles, that is to keep the blood inside, and only due to this it can be the immortal. In Taoism, this concept comes to its logical absurdity: refers to the immortal celestial beings-women, that 15 years after the onset of menstruation were able to master certain exercises and hold the blood inside. Thus, it turned out that the absence of any emission of energy is the basis of sexual practices.

This paradox of the rest of the Chinese culture. Of course, Confucian culture provides mass childbirth, many children in the family, that is the cult of the family is very important. The ethical dimension of these sexual practices is opposite the main concept of the state. Of course, on that mocked and condemned serious Buddhists. In Buddhism, there is the concept of celibacy while living in the monastery, but Buddhism itself does not deny procreation. Buddhism, which had a great influence in China after the III-V centuries AD, provided the concept is just the integration into the state, including the state ideology. And only one direction - Chinese Taoism, and the partially - supported the concept of energy retention. Therefore, the energy confinement concept, or, as in China called, Shuang-shyu (a joint nurturing, pair feeding people), goes to the background is the Chinese culture and is divided clearly into two lines.

This is clearly seen already in literature IX-X centuries. One line - it's actually a mockery of his body, but due to this - the melting of the body inside the pill of immortality, holding a seed and blood and, as a consequence, a very fine adjustment of the body on the selection of partners for mutual feeding, the exchange of energy. It was a mystical school, which, according to tradition, will be maintained until the XIX century. For example, the preserved interesting records of the British, the British, who came to China in the XIX century and were surprised to find in the south of the country the whole school, not mystical, where young girls were taught to keep themselves in the blood, that is, in fact, to become immortal.

The second tradition was degeneration, desacralization mystical tradition. This is a subtle mockery, mockery of the primary mystical concept. It's all sorts of erotic, very vulgar Chinese novels, short stories, where mock those Taoists who are trying to achieve immortality and, in fact, destroying themselves. In the XVII century there are such novels as "prayer rug from the flesh," Li Yu, appear everyday urban novels, where mock these practices. But these stories are commonplace. In this case, the sexual practices came to more subtle aesthetics and erotology. A special type of patterns, novels like "Jin Ping Mei" ( "Jin Ping Mei"), which is considered erotic and still will not be published in China in its entirety.

But at the same time in China is not a very important part erotology that we see in other cultures - fun. Fun as it was in Russian culture, sexy fun, fertility. Just sexual culture of China is not associated with fertility, but only with a mystical rebirth of man. And the main point, which is stored, starting with texts Mavanduya II century BC up to the XVII century texts - is enlightenment through regulation of sexual energy. And, in fact, the sexual practice in China can be viewed in the same way as, for example, for Buddhism, Taoism, and other mystical schools, enlightenment system due to certain exercises.

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