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Carb Blockers

24 Oct 2016

Carb Blockers is a type of sports food and pharmaceuticals which is used for decrease in body weight. The mechanism of action consists in blocking of enzymes which split carbohydrates or irreversible linking with food components, in the investigation of what carbohydrates eliminirutsya undigested, and less calories from the eaten food come to an organism.

Carb blockers are well combined with thermogenic, L-carnitine, blockers of fats and other types of fat burner. Pay attention to Mildronate, active components Meldonium.

Sports food

  • Cheaters Relief from BSN is laid off
  • Thermoloid from Goliath Labs
  • Carb Block from Ultimate Nutrition

The pharmacology

It possesses the most expressed action of blocking of carbohydrates the medicine Acarbose and Metformin

Similar action (however to weaker) widely advertized medicine Phase-2 possesses

Side effects

Blockers of carbohydrates have practically no collateral reactions. The individual intolerance, a meteorizm and disorder of digestion as a result of high content of carbohydrates in the fecal masses is seldom possible. Observe recommendations and the mode of dispensing specified by the producer.

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