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Can there be a new sports records without doping

20 Dec 2016

Without the "chemistry" - neither in life?

Sport - is a demonstration of the maximum human abilities. A series of recent doping scandals suggests that soon the public interest in such a show could be lost: it is interesting to look at the competition not competitors, and, in fact, pharmacists? Do you have more strength athletes set records without chemical attack on the nervous system, blood, muscles? On this, as well as the true reason for the attacks on the Russian athletes on the use of illicit funds Dr. Doping had learned from the experts in sports medicine. In particular, we have found out:

* How degraded the country needs a branch of science;

* Why the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) has more harm than help athletes;

* Both I had to do physician Maria Sharapova, whether it is professional the required level;

* What drug vainly trying to ban anti-doping commissioners;

* Is there any chance of future Olympians beat previous records without the use of pills.

Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, which happened in 1991, our country is famous for the powerful science, and the Moscow Institute of Physical Culture and Sports (VNIIFK) was the Mecca of sports medicine. It is separately funded by the State, which was aware that sports medicine - is a special industry, which, as said the former head of the department of sports medicine at the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture Nina Grajewski, borders, and with biology and physiology, and pedagogy.

Today, alas, experts say that VNIIFK is not the same, more like a colossus on clay legs, inside of which - emptiness. I was convinced of it personally: Call was surprised to learn from the representative of that institution is not, and never were experts in pharmacological support athletes. "It can not be ..." - I started to argue, because personally did in his time with them interviews. As a result, I was sent to all ... Sports Minister Mutko, without the authorization of which scientists are now generally forbidden to talk to journalists.

Although, maybe not right I was. After all, the theme pharm support even in the old days was ambiguous, scientific papers about how to support professionals in the sport, the costs of institutions classified as "secret."

And that, actually, we have to hide? Bromantan, Phenotropil, inert gases, Preductal? This line of products, which, like the much-talked meldonium, administered by our sports doctors as Cyanocobalamin, Methylcobalamin to support not only the athletes, but also the military, and members of special operations. All were permitted but only up to a certain time.

At the end of the 90s, when there was WADA's goal and its actions were logical and accepted by all literally with a bang. Still, it was supposed to protect the athletes from the destructive action of doping, leading sometimes competitors to death, as well as possible to equalize the athletes at the start.

Now that frank steroids, such as the French erythropoietin, seemingly defeated, the work of WADA is more like a pure business. Periodically it gets to "Cyanocobalamin", which allegedly give competitors an advantage over other, because to justify its existence as it is necessary. The result is that his work has already begun to bring more harm to athletes than good. Well now restores the heart Sharapova takes Meldonium for sale ten years?

- WADA has unlimited power, he wants something and forbids - complains to me a sports doctor who once worked in our team. - Under the ban almost everything but yet glucose, creatine and clean water. The last attempted to outlaw because creatine is able to influence the instantaneous power the work of muscles, for example, in weightlifting. But they did not succeed. And all because creatine is produced in our bodies comes from the meat of animals. To prove his malicious reception is not yet possible. Moreover, creatine - is not an anabolic steroid. It can not be compared with steroids and buy meldonium - supports heart means. But how do we convince the WADA?

Sports doctors replaced physiotherapists

- I'm not an expert in matters of doping, and such you are now in our country, perhaps, no longer find. Many fell into disfavor due to the scandals in athletics federation - someone went into the shadows, someone went abroad. But I do not think the theme of doping, our main problem. It is only a consequence of more serious - the gradual collapse of the entire sports medicine in the country.

Look who heals is now level star Maria Sharapova? As a rule, in the past, this conventional doctors do not have a sports specialization: therapists, proctology, gastroenterologists, gynecologists. Before the 90s there was a separate specialty - Sports Medicine. After it merged with others, and the name has changed: a specialist in sports medicine, physical therapy, physiotherapy. Then he changed the order of the words and became: specialist physical therapy, health resorts and sports medicine. That is, its importance has decreased even more. Tell me, doctor LFK something needs to know about doping? But that's not all. In 2008, this team has been a specialty at all excluded from the category of major - she was given the status of a more basic: medicine, surgery, obstetrics-gynecology, etc. Previously, a specialist in sports medicine prepared fully for five years, but now the deadline pressed down up to four months. And who teaches? Those doctors for Resorts. Someone naively assumed above, that this unification will help save money. Here and "save" today with a group of our athletes, retirees.

Why athletes do not protest against this state of affairs? Do not they realize what is happening?

- Yes, they have no time to realize they have five workouts per day. They rely on existing doctors ... and they seem to have recognized that the knowledge they have is not enough. In 2008, officials combined all the sports physicians of our teams under the roof of a respected institution that had athletes aiming not engaged. Yes, the equipment there is good, yes, young professionals ... and start from scratch. But in VNIIFK remained and archives, and huge achievements, experts worked great, but no one ever took: we will re-invent the wheel, stepping on a rake old, and in twenty years we will once again be a solid sports medicine.

- Reallocation of cash flows?

- Alas ... I can see the level of these "new people" with their super-methods. They have deep knowledge of the physiology and the desire to use the experience of the pioneers. But abroad, where I was recently, I saw a lot of things that occur in our old books on sports medicine. They're implemented. I do not know, come up with their Western counterparts or be taken advantage of our ideas ...

And you know that finishes sports medicine directly to Moscow? The fact that no competitor can not get to us without direction ... the local clinic. Now the question is whether the doctor will want to give such a direction? Of course not, otherwise the clinic will lose money. And what an ordinary doctor knows about athletes?

How heavy is the heart of an athlete

- By the way, what?

- Never mind. He judges of him as an ordinary man - the same heart, the same feet, hands. But professional athletes physiology differs from the normal functioning of the citizen body. For example, they considered normal bradycardia, 40 heart beats per minute and sometimes lower at the rate of 60 and above. The usual thing is different for sports changes in the ECG, sometimes resembling a heart attack, a huge heart. This is what an ordinary doctor had never seen. As a result, some cardiologists from clinics diagnosed in athletes anything until myocardial infarction, where it is not.

- As far as great sporting heart?

- Fit at some times it reaches 60-65 mm - diameter of the cavity of the left ventricle of the heart, this one and a half times longer than usual. Weighing it is also more. Scientists are still arguing about where the boundary between big-hearted sportsman and unacceptably high. Same Nina Grajewski believed that the limit is half-kilo heart, someone argues with her, arguing that it is necessary to stop the border at 400 grams, allowing a maximum of 500 g

- And how sports doctor proves that bradycardia athlete - this is not a pathology?

- I recently saw a high quality individual, whose heart was beating at a frequency of 36 beats per minute - and lower case. And the way to prove that it is its norm, the so-called compensatory heart, only one - test it at the maximum load test.

- And what is the limit of possibilities in compensatory heart?

- In addition to the incredible endurance in training and competitions person with such a heart can be, for example, to move a heart attack, stay with the living, feel great and still briskly to catch up and push-ups.

- And it happens that some of the heart can not stand directly on a hockey or football field ...

- It happens, unfortunately. And this, I believe, is usually to blame for the triad of reasons. Firstly, some genetic predisposition, secondly, the latent current - without clinical manifestations - acute pathology, often inflammation of the heart muscle - myocarditis. We athlete often reduced immunity due to stress, and in the weakened body penetrate viruses and bacteria. Thirdly, the adverse conditions of sports activities: heat, cold, lack of recovery of the athlete. It should monitor the team doctor, and these subtleties, too, does not know the classic doctor from the clinic.

You know, there's a tournament on mini-football named Konstantin Eremenko. It was the best player in the world. He has put the ball as in pocket billiards. And so it happened that one day in our institute had discovered a rough change of heart, which, however, has no effect on his health. The doctor who saw it, told me that Eremenko almost reached the lawsuits - thought we mistakenly want to remove him from playing sports. It was only then that he had died on the pitch (though it was only after the completion of his career - a bus..), It proved that we were right. But it would be better if he pleaded with us ...

- A change in the blood of athletes?
- They tend to be a good level of hemoglobin. Previously, some of it reaches the hormone erythropoietin. There is even the Anti-Doping Commission habit noticed that the athlete hemoglobin level exceeds the limit above a certain point, immediately begin to check it out.

- That is correct, but the case with Meldonium ... If we had a sports medicine at the highest level, as it came out of the situation, Maria Sharapova?

- If we have the medicine was at a good level, the professionals who tend to learn in advance about the introduction of the drug in the list of banned immediately sounding the alarm: the athlete is removed from all forbidden attract colleagues for advice. On the impending ban meldonium for sale it was announced in September 2015. Here you've heard at least January 2016 shouts: O God, is prohibited meldonium buy, we must take action!

- No.
- And the alarm was supposed to be.

Africans better to train at home?

- Person Allowance as a species have been exhausted in the sport?
- You know a lot of people who have lived to 120 years? Little. Their unit. So athletes can jump over the bar of human capabilities, the unit too.

- Jumped For example, in 1991 American Michael Powell 8 meters 95 centimeters in length, because until now no one can override this achievement. Did no one will jump at 8.96 meters?

- Perhaps someone will jump.

- Under the influence of pharmaceuticals?

- I do not know. Maybe in the future doctors will go on pharmacology and learn to genetically alter the physiological condition of the person, so that he will beat one record after another.

But I think that in high-speed sports we have no genetics wait more than one record. At least from the same native of Jamaica's Usain Bolt, who runs better than anyone else in the world. After all, he periodically improves its own result.

- By the way, about the athletes blacks. Their endurance is determined genetically. But the Europeans have advantages?

- Of course have. For example, representatives of the toughest in the race of the black race is bad swim. Why do you think? They have a high density of bones, they are heavy. They also more common pathologies such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, characterized by thickening of the left ventricular wall.

- Inside the white race differences exist? After all, something is due to the success of our gymnasts - "artists" and synchronized swimmers, that show just wonders flexibility and artistry?

- I think that in these cases plays an important role coaching talent. Although there are hypotheses that suggest the prevalence of connective tissue dysplasia in these athletes. This pre-pathology associated with extraordinary flexibility, but I would not have applied to this version too seriously.

- How do you feel about acquisitions athletes from Africa and South America?

- I say in such cases: the guys, there's a caveat - to the athlete continued to run well, it is necessary here, in Russia, Africa do. After all, it generates heat its endurance, and our low temperature is not conducive to this.

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