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Buy Phenibut to sleep well

31 May 2016

There are situations in life when one can not cope without the aid of pills. I am not an adherent of any problem with the run and swallow pills, but sometimes you have to…

A few days ago I could not get to sleep until 4 am. This is the opposite, when you need to lie quietly, so as not to disturb sleeping family. It turned out that on the same day, and my son did not sleep about the same time. Around 4 am we went to sleep, and 6-30 need to scrape himself off the bed and get away for the whole day on business. The son had two exams that day.

Tired for the whole day, we waited with joy the night, we decided to go at least an hour early to sleep. What a surprise it was when we again a long time could not sleep, lying, spinning, sigh ... The son said he did not understand, he slept or not, does not state clear, apparently, easy sandman.

I understand, son tired in class, who set off for the exams, ask to learn a lot at home, he’s all on the nerves, sometimes slips irritation, sometimes heart palpitations. And as he tries to restrain the irritation and not to splash out on others, all accumulated inside. But the reasons for my insomnia is not clear to me, I am at peace and, in principle, everything is fine.

I found a paper, where the therapist once prescribed to me that if there are busy days and will sleep problems that should be taken. So one of the points where written nootropics - Phenibutum. The doctor said that it is a mild sedative, and it is prescribed, even for small children.

Phenibut tastes with some sourness. Hard to chew and swallow the pill would not want just sour, can hurt the stomach. Who has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the tablet should be taken with caution, since it contains amino-phenyl-oil (uh, seems to be correctly written) acid, which can cause stomach irritation.

We took only one pill at night. We fall asleep quickly. We slept without waking up all night. There are no side effects, which are specified in the manual at no notice. Daytime sleepiness was observed. Who we finish phenibut course and gradually want to go to tea with mint and lemon balm at night, to avoid dependence and addiction. Tip: stop taking the medication is best not once, but gradually, reducing the dose of, first drink half a tablet, then 1/4.

Conclusion: Phenibut is good and necessary! It decreased nervousness and anxiety, it becomes easier to fall asleep.

I wish all the mental health and peace of mind!

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