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Buy Noopept online - Nuclear tests help to investigate the human brain

02 Mar 2017

Most people still believe - the nerve cells do not regenerate, but recent studies show that neurons regenerate, just not as fast as we would like.

For the first time, scientists have started talking about the reproduction of nerve cells after the Swedes carried out in 1998, the year of studies using a special marker substance, which marks newly formed cells. During the survey it was found that new neurons appear in the hippocampus - a brain region important for memory and learning. Further experiments were carried out with the marker is not, as it turned out, that the material is quite toxic and may contribute to the formation of mutations.

An unexpected solution to the problem found Kirsty Spalding and her colleagues at the Karolinska Institute (Sweden) as a marker for which could be found during the formation of the neuron, it is proposed to use the levels of the radioactive isotope carbon-14 in the cells. The fact is that because of the US and USSR nuclear tests between 1945 and 1963rd years, there was a powerful emission of carbon-14, which is reflected in the cellular structure of living organisms on the earth. When cell division is used atmospheric carbon, so the neurons appeared in the midst of the "cold war", will inevitably have to bear the imprint of nuclear tests. isotope decay period of a thousand years, and that its concentration allows scientists to determine when there was one or another organic molecule.

Spaulding and other researchers has developed a model for calculating the ratio between carbon-14 and "normal" carbon-12, and further experiments with brain tissue of 55 dead volunteers (during the life they have signed an agreement on the use of their brain after death for scientific purposes) proved: in the hippocampus is born about 700 new neurons per day, indicating that the update 1.75% of brain cells each year.

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