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Buy Noopept - Excessive development of mental abilities will lead to nothing

01 Mar 2017

No matter how attractive did not seem the idea of empowering people superintelligence, at her opponents are always convincing arguments.

Neurobiologist Mark Changizi and philosopher Mark Walker dedicated to the study of this subject a sufficient amount of time. Scientists have claimed that excessive activity of thought processes fraught for human maladjustment, antisocial behavior, and even psychosis.

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Now, when all aspire to infinite knowledge and improve the performance of the human brain, Changizi and Walker tell a different story: while increasing mental abilities must not forget about the development of such qualities as empathy or sympathy.

According to Mark Walker, a high level of IQ is not enough to achieve a lot in life. His colleague, Genghis, in turn, suggests that many mean by intelligence solution of logical problems and the game of chess, although the brain performs many other functions invisible to us.

The intelligence of every person is different - someone shows mathematical ability, but it absolutely does not know how to write poetry, and the other, for example, a brilliant writer, but absolutely does not think in physics or chemistry. In addition, there are concepts such as morality, too, are an integral part of the human mind.

Walker sure that selective brain development does not give any positive result, but will create additional difficulties in the socialization of the individual - in other words, acquired the ability to mentally unprepared person can use in inappropriate purposes.

According to Mark Walker, there is one way to avoid such deviant behavior "geeks" - along with the intellectual qualities to bring in the "geniuses" modesty and self-criticism. He believes that the human brain simply can not cope with the increased volumes of information, which can lead to mental disorders.

Changizi intends to use hidden resources of the brain, for example, to better navigate the unfamiliar terrain, while Walker's theory focused on the study of the secret of finding happiness.

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