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Buy Mexidol: Neurologist’s Favorite Drug

28 Jun 2016

So I decided to share my impressions about the drug "Mexidol". The neurologist appointed Mexidol in injections, as I was worried by headache in the temples, nervousness and irritability.

The injection should be administered slowly, not abruptly to pressure dropped. I had a little drowsiness after injection. During the course of injections of Mexidol my mood was good, some kind of lightness in the body, head eased.

But here's what I noticed, after the cancellation occurs some rebound effect, depression came with a bang.

That's my mom often prescribe to buy Mexidol injection, probably due to the temporary effect. And as you know vascular dystonia suffer almost every second.

Therefore, I believe Mexidol id not a panacea, but it is now prescribed to almost anyone. And it seemed to me, Mexidol is effective.

All health and love!

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