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Bromdihydrochlorphenylbenzodiazepine - Interactions with other Active Compounds

28 Dec 2016

Bromdihydrochlorphenylbenzodiazepine + amisulpride

In a joint application Bromdihydrochlorphenylbenzodiazepine with amisulpride the expressed increased inhibitory action on CNS.

Bromdihydrochlorphenylbenzodiazepine + Zidovudine

Against Bromdihydrochlorphenylbenzodiazepine may increase the toxicity of zidovudine (the combined use caution).

Bromdihydrochlorphenylbenzodiazepine + imipramine

Against Bromdihydrochlorphenylbenzodiazepine increases the concentration of imipramine in blood.

Bromdihydrochlorphenylbenzodiazepine + Clozapine

(Mutually) effect. The combined application may respiratory depression.

Bromdihydrochlorphenylbenzodiazepine + Levodopa

Against bromdigidrohlorfenilbenzodiazepina reduced effect of levodopa.

Bromdihydrochlorphenylbenzodiazepine + Pantoprazole

Pantoprazole is compatible with Bromdihydrochlorphenylbenzodiazepine (metabolized with participation of cytochrome P450 enzyme system).

Bromdihydrochlorphenylbenzodiazepine + ethanol

(Mutually) effect.

Bromdihydrochlorphenylbenzodiazepine + emoxypine

Emoxypine the combined use enhances the effect of Bromdihydrochlorphenylbenzodiazepine.

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