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British Dragon

23 Nov 2016

British Dragon Pharmaceutical - the pharmaceutical company located in Thailand. It is often confused to the similar company "British Dragon Pharmaceutical Limited" (Ltd.), located in Hong Kong (China).

British Dragon Pharmaceutical Limited

The history British Dragon began in 1999 in Pattaya (Thailand). As a matter of fact, the companies as such with this name was two: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals arose earlier, and British Dragon Pharmaceuticals, Ltd (the changed logo and five-millilitre bottles was its distinctive feature) a bit later – in 2005.

Edwin Richard Crowley and Ashley Vincent Livingston (known also as Rediket) were founders of British Dragon. In the beginning the countries of Western and Eastern Europe, and also the Middle East were a main objective of deliveries of finished goods (stickers on bottles of the medicines intended for different regions, even differed on color). Then the attention was drawn by the United States whose "anabolic" market can be considered really dimensionless.

The production line of the company was very wide – everything was issued literally! "Production process" first was rather simple: tablets were produced in Thailand by request, and packed up already on the place. On the place spread on bottles and "oil" – it was taken in big plastic bottles. However, all this was only at the initial stage – approximately since 2004 money was invested in establishing normal production.

Affairs of British Dragon went so well that U.S. authorities became interested in the company. Problems began in 2006, and in the 2007th in the USA arrest warrants of Crowley and Livingston were issued. On March 21, 2008 Crowley and Livingston were detained in Thailand. At this particular time actually activities of the old company stopped; everything that was issued under the name of BD after 2008, could be considered counterfeits safely. And on the website of new British Dragon of the 2008th it appears as a year of "rebranding".

Edwin Richard Crowley long fought against the extradition in the USA, but, nevertheless, in March of the 2011th appeared before the American court and was sentenced to 20 years of prison, a fine of one million dollars and five years of a probation. But on July 2, 2011 he was liberated in connection with critical condition of health – three years spent in prison of Thailand affected. Soon after an exit to Crowley's freedom died in a circle of the family. Ashley Vincent Livingston, on the contrary, went directly for cooperation with the investigation, having given evidences against Crowley. On March 5, 2010 he was sentenced in the USA to 24 months of imprisonment, but already on August 5 the same year is released from prison. Do not forget take Cortexin for better results.

Who stands behind the company now, it is still unknown. It is known that it is definitely not Livingston – it managed before arrest to sell the rights to production of British Dragon and nowadays, by hearsay, is engaged in the Balkan Pharmaceuticals company (owners of British Dragon always had a particular interest in Eastern Europe in general and to Moldova and Romania in particular). Assume that behind the company there can be an owner of Asia Pharma Michael Karner. So it or not, isn't known yet, but whoever it was, it approached case thoroughly and even in a big way.

In spite of the fact that owners of present British Dragon emphasize that they have no communication with that company which existed earlier, names of the medicines made by it confirm the return. As a matter of fact, they didn't change at all. And here packaging became much more interesting: oral medicines are packed in plastic jars which, in turn, are put in cardboard boxes. In cardboard boxes there are also bottles with injection medicines.

British Dragon offers the following oral medicines:

  • Halotestex Tablets (active ingredient – fluocsimetron, 10 mg / tab)
  • Methanabol Tablets (active ingredient – metandienon, 10 mg / tab)
  • Oxanabol Tablets (active ingredient – ocsandrolon, 10 mg / tab)
  • Oxydrol Tablets (active ingredient – ocsimetolon, 50 mg / tab)
  • Primobol Tablets (active ingredient – methenobosoms acetate, 50 mg / tab)
  • Stanabol Tablets (active ingredient – stanosolol, 10 mg / tab)
  • Turanabol Tablets (active ingredient – oralturinabol, 10 mg / tab)

From injection medicines are available:

  • Aquabol Suspension (suspension of testosterone, 100 mg/ml)
  • Boldabol Inject (active ingredient – boldenona undetsilenat, 200 mg/ml)
  • Decabol Inject (active ingredient – nandrolona decanoat, 200 mg/ml)
  • Durabol Inject (active ingredient – nandrolona fenilpopionat, 100 mg/ml)
  • Dynabol Inject (active ingredient – nandrolona undeconoat, 200 mg/ml)
  • Mastabol Inject (active ingredient – drostanolona propionate, 100 mg/ml)
  • Primobol Inject (active ingredient – methenobosomsenantat, 100 mg/ml)
  • Stanabol Inject (active ingredient – stanosol, 50 mg/ml)
  • Sustabol Inject (active ingredient – mix of air of testosterone, 250 mg/ml)
  • Testabol Enanthate Inject (active ingredient – testosterone enantat, 250 mg/ml)
  • Testabol Depot Inject (active ingredient – testosterone cipionat, 200 mg/ml)
  • Testabol Propionate Inject (active ingredient – testosterone propionate, 100 mg/ml)
  • Trenabol Inject (active ingredient – trenbolone acetate, 80 mg/ml)

Official or not?

On some websites it is specified that British Dragon is an official producer. Actually it absolutely not so. I will call four reasons for which products of British Dragon can't have licenses for application by people.

Injection medicines are issued in ten-millilitre bottles that isn't allowed (only a reservoirs which content can be used for once – ampoules or two-millilitre bottles are allowed).

Practically all tableted medicines (an exception – Oksidrol) contain active ingredient more, than it is allowed by a pharmacopeia.

Neither a boldenona undetsilinat, nor trenbolone acetate were never issued (I will add: will also be issued never) for application by people.

Concentration of active ingredient in such injection medicines as nandrolona decanoat, nandrolona fenilpropionat, nandrolona undecanoat above that which is allowed by pharmacopeia.

Perhaps, the medicines issued by British Dragon are held for use in veterinary science, but it is obviously not specified anywhere. That is, if to speak directly, British Dragon as was "underground" earlier, so remains to them and now, even despite obviously improved conditions of production (it if to judge by the video mentioned in the beginning of article) and on statements for official deliveries to unnamed countries of Eastern Europe and Latin America. But "underground" to "underground" discord if it is about quality.

Question about quality

Surprisingly but original British Dragon always distinguished rather high quality that was confirmed by numerous analyses. It is interesting that quite often the amount of active ingredient even exceeded declared! Raw materials were delivered from China, but took, thanks to communications in the Chinese market, only the most high-quality – that which didn't contain third-party impurity.

Unfortunately, this most original British Dragon was also counterfeited extremely often, including, and on boundless open spaces of Russia. Protection in the form of the hologram didn't salvage – there is nothing difficult in counterfeiting also it. The producer tried to be protected by means of original lids on bottles, but very few people paid attention to them.

Now at each packaging there is a hologram under which so-called BD-PSS a code disappears. British Dragon warns that only this website is official, and also that unpacked you shouldn't buy products.

Feedbacks about British Dragon

As for fans, they often don't understand brands and don't know what under the name British Dragon is on sale almost anything today. The speech about the counterfeit AAS issued both under the guise of for a long time the rested Thai producer and under the name of current. Feedbacks about British Dragon from fans are various, lack of experience and different expectations considerably affect objectivity of assessment.

Assessment of professionals is more objective. Feedbacks about British Dragon Pharmaceutical call the producer rather economical, but at the same time risk. Despite all brands (and it is really popular in the underground market of AAS), products contain at least 20-25% less active ingredient, than are declared. At the same time nature of impact answers an organism to declared.

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