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24 Jan 2017

How to pass the exam

Biotredin Threonine Supplement

Test for A
How to prepare for a severe test

Exam - a real test. In a short time a person must demonstrate their knowledge, skills, what he studied for a long time (for a full university course, or for the entire period of study at school or university). Therefore, you need to prepare for exams, not just memorizing formulas and grab scientific literature. For passing the exam, there are a range of measures.

Walking, sleep and sport
Of course, the security of the five on the exam - it is learned material. And, of course, you do not need to prepare for one night before the test, and beforehand. It is necessary to clearly plan out the preparation and loading, leaving everything to the last day.

To good to remember the information, you need to take breaks in cramming, do not forget about fresh air and restful sleep. Fatigue - not the best assistant in exam preparation, especially in the delivery. Besides fatigue only increases the tension of the nervous system, interferes concentrate on exam papers.

By the way, scientists have proven that a good exercise stimulates mental activity, so many eminent thinkers engaged in sports. So that moderate physical activity will only benefit the body before the exam. Moreover, the sport allows you to throw out the accumulated psychological tension after a workout, you will return to the intellectual work refreshed and calm. The main thing - do not overdo it with the sport during the exams. Excessive load harassed your body, and without strain. Everything should be in moderation!

Vitamins and calories
During the examination the young organism needs not only rest, but also to good nutrition. A person should be sure to eat meat, rich in animal protein, cereals that contain fiber, giving energy to our body; fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins. You can also take a multivitamin complexes. Do not forget about the fish - it contains phosphorus, so necessary for our brain. Also needed for glucose mental activity, which contains, for example, chocolate. Therefore, doctors and advised to take the exam a bar of chocolate. And there is no fast food! It's too hard for the body to food, her body splitting spend too much energy, tired, and all of this will impact on your health.

And it is not necessary during the exam to sit on diets. Your body is overloaded and needs a complete make-up of vitamins and calories.

Do not forget to bring a bottle of water on the exams - at nerve strain in humans is broken water balance in the body of this deteriorating health. Doctors also advise during the preparation and exams to drink more water.

Eat to remember
Modern scientists and doctors have found out that there are special products and substances that help to improve memory performance, stimulate brain activity. How important it is during exams! To view the brain need to eat walnuts, rich in B vitamins, they also contain fatty acids, zinc and magnesium, which help to develop thinking. Better information will help remember the milk is rich in vitamin B12. Before an exam can be added to tea and a selection of honey, rich in glucose. It is proved that iodine increases IQ - so scientists are advised to eat sea cabbage.

Improves power marrow red grapes - a natural antioxidant. Vitamin C contained in the lemon, will not let you forget learned.

In addition to the natural vitamins, modern Russian scientists have developed a variety of drugs that help to improve memory and stimulate brain activity. For example, a drug developed in Russia Biotredin, based on - the amino acid L-threonine, allows to improve brain function, memory, speed up the memorization of large volumes of information, and improve mood, relieve stress. It is important that the drug can take adults and children, and adolescents. Doctors recommend it for children to take to improve care, concentration, enhance mental activity, which is especially important during the preparation and delivery of critical examination. In order to achieve greater effect, experts advise Biotredin taken with glycine.

For best result take Glycine and Biotredin drugs together. Place tablet under tongue Glycine (3-4 times daily), 10-15 minutes after its dissolution - Biotredin tablet (2-3 times daily).

Biotredin - a good memory, clear mind, excellent reaction - the key to your success.

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