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Biotredin Russian Nootropics

24 Jan 2017

Biotredin - clear mind, a good memory, excellent reaction - the key to your success.

Biotredin and Glycine, russian nootropics

How to cope with excessive load at school

Educational programs in modern schools focused on in-depth study of subjects. Good or bad - hard to say. On the one hand, the purpose of these programs - comprehensive development of the child's personality, erudition and intellect. But, on the other hand, we must not forget that every child - a personality. Someone remembers the material from the first time, while others may take more time to get a good deal in logarithms and trigonometric equations. Unfortunately, modern education program in Russia does not consider these subtleties and does not imply the individual school education programs. It turns out that the child sit on the 6-8 lesson at school, coming home just sits down at the lessons, giving homework 4-5 hours. Plus, tutoring and English courses ... In sum, it would be about 13-14 hours of an active mental work five or six days a week - for such is not the child, not every adult is ready. This is one of the objective reasons why today falls achievement in schools. You can buy Biotredin.

To What does it lead?
Lack of proper rest, walks, fresh air, sleep will inevitably cause fatigue, tiredness, absent-mindedness. Psychologically, the child does not perceive the school as a place of learning, education and investment in their future. School lessons and appear in his perception as something unpleasant, something to be avoided, and soon forget. From the fall of progress, lack of interest in school work, truancy, quarrels with parents and punishment for bad grades, which further aggravates the already sorry state of the child, causing complexes, shyness and self-doubt. Against the background of psychological problems often develop serious health deviation, for example, vascular dystonia, neuroses, jumps in blood pressure, which in a more adult can lead to strokes.

How to help?
First, properly organize the child mode, so that it is not overtired, but at the same time to the maximum. Student must have a rest and gain strength before the new school day - and it is the task of parents. Second, consult a doctor. Most experts in such cases, prescribe drugs that enhance neuronal energy supply. For example, Biotredin containing in its composition amino acid L-threonine, and pyridoxine, improves mental performance and mood, improves memory - both short and long term, relieves nervous tension. It is important that products with the amino acid composition gives a pronounced effect and maximum safety for the organism.
Proper organization of work and rest together with safe effective drugs - is the key to a good performance of your child and self-confidence.

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