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31 Jan 2017

How to survive the first year at the university and go to the second year

School graduates its main achievement see admission to university. A lot of effort is spent on preparing for the test, and in the first year of a brand new student falls are pretty shabby. But as it turns out later, the biggest test is only coming. How to survive the first year at the university and continue their studies safely?

Write notes and draw scheme

Processing of the information you receive on lectures and textbooks, will be more effective if you portray her as a compression scheme or a table. Write out all terms and unclear what caused the issues, and then find out the answers to the teacher. This approach makes you a student, which is almost impossible to surprise: themselves with a magic notebook, you can in five minutes to prepare for the unexpected test, find the answer to a tricky question a teacher. At the session, your notebook will be the best material for preparation for examinations and tests, because remember what you yourself have turned to clear (even to you) coupled system, it will be much easier to remember than the material from textbooks.

Discuss assignments with classmates

The first two courses of study successfully overcome those who starts a productive relationship with classmates. Joint discussions and training to help you better remember the material, as well as the understanding of the topic make deeper: because the perception of information may be slightly different in different people, and different vision of the theme you can be helpful. Good relations in a group improves the performance of all students, reducing the stress of the teaching load. And you get another reason to always walk in pairs - a meeting with friends.

Occasionally allow yourself to miss classes

This is very bad advice, but used in small doses, it can help to improve attitudes to learning. All that we are doing the last effort and with no desire to become a source of stress, and eventually takes all forces. If you become very hard to wake up on the first couple times a month can make an exception in the morning and stay home? Of course, you need to choose carefully progulnuyu couple to anti-stress therapy did not turn around problems with the teacher.

Take your vitamins and drugs that improve brain efficiency

Learn to reduce stress and better help the regular intake of the amino acid threonine in combination with vitamin B6: they help neurons to produce ATP, and you can use its full potential. With the help of modern technologies based on threonine and vitamin B6 created Biotredin drug, which has been successfully used in the excessive mental and psychological stress. First-year students who are experiencing a lot of stress especially in a new environment, it is recommended to take Biotredin throughout the school year.

To enhance the effect of the drug, taking Biotredin recommend combined with glycine. The amino acid glycine in this drug is contained in an optimal dosage form for assimilation - microcapsules that penetrate into the brain and improve his defense during stress.

How to prepare for the report?

Report of the audience - it extracts verification and ability to process information. Where to begin? Find interesting source, ideally a few, read the text, and select for themselves the basic questions (those that were not understood). The second time reading, try to find answers to the marked the first time the questions and write them down: it is possible to do this you will have to turn to other sources. Now, make a report, plan, highlighting the main points, but something tezisno record straight in terms. Read the whole topic again, returning to his notes. The problem report facilitate the presentation in electronic form, but in a good visual material will be tables and charts on paper in large format, which you can attach to the board. Practise the text of the report at home in front of a mirror. Still nervous? Take the morning to report two tablets under the tongue Glycine: this will help to calm down and collect.

Preparing for the session without any extra nerves

Stress caused by a restriction on the session time. Just a few days you will need to remember or learn all the material covered, and thus worthy of his play before the examiner. Many leads do not just poor training and low resistance to stress. Fear lay an egg on the exam reduces all efforts to nothing, but you have passed the entrance exams, written tests and controls during the year. Session - it's time once again to recall the Biotredin and Glycine: You will be able to prepare well, using their full potential, and that it is important to maintain self-control and to answer the most tricky questions.

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