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28 Jan 2017

Alcoholism in remission: how to again leave the booze

Treatment of alcohol dependence does not end after release from the hospital. The main work for the patient and his family begins now because magic pill for alcoholism does not exist, and each has to learn to control themselves.

The turning point in the treatment - is to overcome the craving for alcohol in the first stage of recovery, to again go to the binge. The first few weeks after starting treatment are critical. During this period, a new way of life without alcohol rituals has not yet formed, and the patient's own willpower is not enough, not to drink on occasion. Drug experts say even the lack of will for six months or more.
The main patient's illusion is that it can control the dose of alcohol and the situation, if you allow yourself a drink. In fact, the most important task - to prevent the use of even a low dose, as in the process control is no longer possible. You can buy Biotredin.

If a person simply return to the home environment, it is very likely a new binge, out of which at this time will be much harder. As long as internal demand will not go out to drink, it is important to use all means to control.
Friends on alcoholic interests are an important part of adversity, and meeting with them should be avoided. It is vital for the recovering fill successive day activities. You should always be employed, preferably with something interesting for you, that causes positive emotions. Any physical work, sport can be a very good tool for overcoming the thrust, so at this moment you are in control of their movements. Physical work helps pay off the flow of obsessive thoughts. The new schedule will replace the old habits of alcohol, which was filled with time and fills life with meaning. Your goal - the formation of stable habits that help to stay sober.

Keep a diary: it helps to see how you have changed. Write down on a separate sheet of the negative consequences of alcohol consumption and compare them with the positive aspects of sobriety. At the time of a strong desire to drink more just read this.
Remember, you can fully control himself, but only until such time as not drunk. Therefore, do your best to not try a single drop. The most difficult to resist the temptation in some standard for the use of alcohol circumstances, so avoid such situations: Indulge your friends, do not go to bars, etc. Houses should be no alcohol or its substitutes (non-alcoholic beer). Holidays should not be associated with alcohol.

The biological and psychological dependence on alcohol are closely related: work with the metabolic processes in the body helps to reduce cravings and less to think about drinking. The drug is to reduce the craving for alcohol and removal Biotredin withdrawal syndrome will help to strengthen the will. It consists of the amino acid threonine and vitamin B6, which are natural components of the body. To reduce the chance to go into the bout, taking Biotredin recommend starting immediately after returning home from the hospital. It involves biological processes of recovery and improves the psychological state: reduces irritability, improves attention and memory, intellectual ability.

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