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20 Oct 2016

Ansomone (human height  / Hormone recombinant (GR) / Somatotropin) - medicine identical natural to human hormone of growth, with the similar amino-acid sequence (191 amino acids) and three-dimensional structure. Ansomone is made in China, the AnkeBio company.

Ansomone isn't registered in Russia as medicine and is unavailable in drugstores. Is issued in bottles, by sight represents the white friable lyophilized powder.

Ansomone is the known recombinant hormone of high-quality human height which is widely used not only in the domestic market of China, but also is exported to many others the countries and regions. This hormone of growth has high biological activity and extent of cleaning that conforms to standards European, Chinese and the USA pharmacopeias.

Ansomone is researched, developed and independently made by AnkeBio (Anhui Anke Biotechology) that has now all rights to medicine.


Brief description

Ansomone is the sterile lyophilized form of recombinant hormone of human height (STG) consisting of 191 amino-acid remaining balance received in the bioengineering way from colibacillus bacteria. GR matches natural hormone of growth on the amino-acid sequence and three-dimensional structure.

Medicine is appointed in case of growth stop at children because of deficit of endogenous hormone of growth, Shereshevsky-Turner's syndrome or a renal failure. Ansomone can be used in case of treatment of burn wounds, in surgery, and also renders effect for prevention of aging. Our production enterprises Ansomone are certified according to the GMP FDA standard (Managements on sanitary inspection behind quality of foodstuff and medicines of the USA). 

Medicine name

  • General name (MNN): recombinant human hormone of growth for injections.
  • Commercial name: Ansomone®
  • Actual structure: recombinant human hormone of growth.


Ansomone has the effect similar to endogenic hormone of human height.

  • 1.Stimulates a proliferation and a differentiation of chondrocytes of an epiphysis, body height of a cartilaginous matrix of cells, promotes a proliferation and a differentiation of osteoblasts; thus, accelerating growth rate of an epiphysis.
  • 2.Ansomone promotes synthesis of protein in all body, restoring the nitric equilibrium caused by wounds and surgical intervention;
  • 3.Ansomone treats the hypoproteinemia caused by a serious infection or cirrhosis;
  • 4.Stimulates synthesis of immunoglobulins and distribution of macrophages and lymphocytes, thus, increases ability to infection resistance;
  • 5.Stimulates a proliferation of fibroblasts and macrophages in places of a combustion and surgical intervention, accelerating an adhesion of wounds;
  • 6.Promotes formation of cardiomyocytes that improves cordial contractility and reduces oxygen consumption by heart;
  • 7.Participates in a regulation of fatty exchange, lowering a serumal cholesterin and the LPNP level;
  • 8.Fills shortage of hormone of body height, regulates fatty and mineral exchange at adults, work of heart and kidneys.


Pharmacological effect can be reached as by means of hypodermic, and intramuscular introduction. In spite of the fact that hypodermic introduction results in higher concentration of hormone of growth in plasma, intramuscular can also give the same level of the insulinopodobny factor of growth (IFG). Absorption of somatotropny hormone (STG) happens rather slowly, the peak of concentration occurs in 3-5 hours after an injection. STG through a liver and kidneys is removed, elimination half-life makes about 2-3 hours. Level of not changed hormone can't almost be measured in urine. Hormone in blood circulates in the form of a complex with transport proteins which increase the term of semi-removal of STG.


The main indication to Ansomone's application is the stop of growth of children in connection with sdefitsity endogenous hormone of growth.

Also medicine is applied to other purposes:

  • Combustion of fat;
  • Increase in muscular tissue;
  • Raising of mood and increase in creative and physical abilities;
  • Improvement of brain functions and function of immune system;
  • Improvement of a lipidic profile;
  • Acceleration of healing of wounds;
  • Strengthening of a libido;
  • Increase in density of a bone tissue.

Method of application and doses

It is necessary to enter the syringe 1 ml of sterile water for injections on a bottle wall then smoothly roundabout to rotate a bottle before full dissolution of contents, not to shake.

The recommended Ansomone's dosage for treatment of a growth inhibition of children makes 0,1 ~ 0.15 ME/kg daily hypodermically during from 3 months to 3 years. The mode of treatment can be changed according to instructions of the doctor.

Application in bodybuilding: Rate of hormone of growth

Application for pregnant women and the feeding women. It isn't recommended.

Application for children and elderly. Pharmacological action and pharmacokinetics of hormone of growth at children and elderly doesn't differ from adults. Medicine is safe for use in pediatrics and geriatrics. One of the Best Nooropic drug is Phenotropil.

Side effects

Hormone of growth can cause a short-term hyperglycemia; after the medicine acceptance termination it passes. Collateral reactions in clinical testing were observed approximately at 1% of children with growth stop.

General collateral reactions include slight pain, a pricking, swellings around the place of an injection and peripheral hypostases, joint pain. All these adverse reactions often arise in an initiation of treatment, and are temporary and tolerant. In case of long acceptance in high doses of Ansomone formation of antibodies at a number of patients is possible. Nevertheless, concentration of antibodies in rare instances can reach the level of 2 mg/l that can affect therapeutic efficiency.

Read in more detail: Side effects of hormone of growth.


  • use at patients at the closed epifiz.
  • use at oncological patients with active tumoral growth. Therapy has to be stopped in case of progressing of a neoplasia.
  • use at patients in a state of shock and with a heavy infection.

Precautionary measures

  • 1.Purpose of therapy of GR has to be carried out to carefully diagnosed patients according to the reference of the experienced doctor.
  • 2.For patients with a diabetes mellitus the dose of hypoglycemic drugs has to be corrected during therapy GR.
  • 3.Patients, whose growth inhibition were caused by neoplasms or a brain injury, should control carefully process of treatment and a possibility of a recurrence of tumoral diseases.
  • 4.For patients with a failure of AKTG, a dosage of corticosteroids has to be it is adjusted as the effect of hormone of body height is inhibited at a concomitant use.
  • 5.It is regularly necessary to check function of a thyroid gland as during therapy of ChGR the clinical hypothyrosis occurs at a series of patients. For patients with a hypothyrosis replacement therapy by thyroid drugs is necessary for ensuring medical effect of GR.
  • 6.The special attention has to be when developing of the alternating lameness against the background of use of GR because the patients suffering from illness of endocrine system (including deficiency of hormone of body height) have feature that their plates of an epiphysis of a femur are easily blasted.
  • 7.Hormone of body height can lead to rising of production of insulin, it is necessary to pay attention if an acceptability of low level of a glucose decreases.
  • 8.Not to accept the raised GR doses, a disposable overdosage drug can lead to the hypoglycemia which is replaced the high content of Saccharum in a blood. The long overdosage of GR can lead to an acromegalia.
  • 9.Places of injections have to change often in order to avoid a lipoatrophia.

Medicinal interaction. The therapeutic effect of GR is inhibited by glucocorticoids therefore the dosage of a hydrocortisone will be less than 10 ~ 15 mg/sq.m of a surface of a body during therapy GR.

Simultaneous use of not androgenic steroids during therapy of GR can accelerate growth rates.

Overdose. There are no reports on overdose of GR yet. However the one-time overdose can cause a side effect, such as a hypoglycemia with the subsequent hyperglycemia. The long overdose can lead to an akromegaliya.

Release form. 2 ME/bottle, 4 ME/bottle, 4,5 ME/bottle, 6 ME/bottle, 10 ME/bottle, 16 ME/bottle.

Storage. To store in case of 2 - 8ºC in the place protected from light. Ready solution is recommended to be stored in case of 2 - 8ºC no more than 48 hours. Solution freezing isn't allowed. Storage duration two years.

Determination of counterfeits

Carry out online verification of a code from packaging.

Additional signs of a counterfeit of Ansomone:

  • Absence in a pack of a bag of a diamond cutting torch.
  • Convex pattern on a pack.
  • Date which isn't put down by a numerator and is printed together with packaging.
  • The adhesive tape strip with number hidden under a checking sticker.
  • Text of "Ansomone" on a bottle cover.
  • Bottle cover which is rolled up inaccurately, manually

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