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Androgenic activity

29 Nov 2016

Androgenic activity is an ability of steroid hormones to cause the phenomena of a masculinization and a virilization. Connect many side effects of steroids with androgenic activity, such as: acne seborrhea, growth of hair on a body, loss of hair on the head, prostate hypertrophy, atrophy of testicles, and many others. It is worth noticing that in addition androgens raise a libido, cause mental activation and feeling of domination (steroid rage).

Anabolic activity which characterizes ability of hormones to cause a muscles hypertrophy is opposed to androgenic activity. You can also like Koramine.

In bodybuilding, it is necessary to give preference to medicines which have the smallest androgenic activity and the greatest anabolic. The ratio of anabolic and androgenic activity expresses an anabolic index. The he is more, the medicine will have smaller side effects.

The main medicines increasing androgenic activity:

  • Andriol – has weak effect and poorly affects a liver. For strengthening actions need to be taken with other medicines.
  • Androksol – has strong androgenic activity, doesn't prevent production of the testosterone.
  • Akvesus – a painful injection which works quickly has strong androgenic effect, is toxic for a liver, can cause irreversible reaction.
  • Androstanolon – highly active medicine which is applied before competitions is safe for a liver.
  • Denistrenil – apply to obtaining relief of muscle bulk. It is contraindicated to women.
  • The depot – testosterone gives a big increase to force and weight, but very androgenic.
  • Digidrotestosteron – builds up muscle bulk, but causes baldness.

Women are recommended to accept medicines with a high anabolic index because it causes smaller degree of secondary sexual characteristics.


Recently often articles where division of effects into anabolic and androgenic is denied as all indicators are applicable only to animals on which researches were conducted meet. However, actually the anabolic index is applicable also for the person, only with big errors. Abroad and in Russia continue to use concepts anabolic and androgenic activity, and for this purpose there are good reasons confirmed with researches and practice. For an example, medicines of testosterone cause much more than androgenic side effects, in comparison with Retabolil, such situation can be predicted by means of an anabolic index and in case of use of other medicines.

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