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Anavar - oxandrolone

03 Nov 2016

Oxandrolone (Anatrofill, etc. is also known under the trademarks Oxandrolin, Anavar, Oksandrin, to Vasoroma) - the anabolic steroid framed by the Searle Laboratories company. and Anavar who is let out in the USA under a trademark in 1964.

Oxandrolone Anavar

Oxandrolone is a synthetic steroid, a ring And who is represented by a heterocycle in which the second carbon atom is replaced with an oxygen atom. Oxandrolone is widely known thanks to his extremely low level to androgenic activity along with a high anabolic index.

Has the highest immunostimulating effect among steroids, considerably increases sensitivity of tissues to insulin. Initially Oxandrolone was developed for treatment of the weakened HIV-positive patients, at an osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, Turner's syndrome, anemia, for acceleration of restoration after combustions, a long bed rest, at Diabet of the II type bound to excess weight. Soon it began to be applied activly in bodybuilding then Anavar was entered in the list of controlled drugs.

Steroid profile

  • Anabolic activity - 400% of testosterone
  • Androgenic activity - 25% of testosterone
  • Aromatization (conversion in estrogen) - isn't present
  • Toxicity for a liver - moderate/weak
  • Way of reception - inside (in tablets)
  • Elimination half-life - 8-12 hours
  • Detection time - up to 60 days

Effects of ocsandrolon

  • Increase in relief and hardness of muscles - the main effect of Oxandrolone
  • Combustion of fat
  • Increase in level of hormone of growth
  • Increase in force

Anavar is inexpedient to use for a set of muscle bulk. Anavar's course is recommended to people who have the sufficient muscle bulk and moderate content of fat in an organism, for giving of relief of muscles and reduction of subcutaneous fat.

Oxandrolone for combustion of fat

Scientists from University of South California made an experiment which showed that the cleaned fatty tissue doesn't return right after cancellation of this steroid.

The research was sponsored by the U.S. Government and producer of an Oxandrolone - Savient. The men who weren't engaged with burdenings participated in an experiment which lasted 12 weeks, 60 years are more senior. Use also Cogitum.

The research showed that men not only got rid of fat, but also gained some muscle bulk in 12 weeks even without power trainings. The daily dosage of a steroid constituted 20 milligrams, loss in fatty tissue constituted 1,8 kg. However within the next 12 weeks the gained muscle bulk left, but the effect of a fat reducers remained. Only 17% of fatty tissue returned. Besides, it was established that the main changes in composition of a body happened for the first 6 weeks. Therefore incline to short rates of Oxandrolone as the most effective.

Loss of fatty tissue in cm2

Fat on a stomach 25

Subcutaneous fat 10

Fat on hips 8

Fat on a lap 3

Intramuscular fatty tissue of a trunk 8

Intramuscular fatty tissue of extremities 2

Scientists came to a conclusion that Oxandrolone is more effective medicine for fat loss, than for a set of muscle bulk. However you shouldn't forget that loss of 2 kg of fatty tissue in 12 weeks is easily achievable without acceptance of AAS.

During the research it was also established that in process of fat loss sensitivity to insulin increased. That is the organism became capable to manage smaller amount of this hormone in response to receipt of food substrata in blood, so, and the risk of transformation of glucose into fat decreased.

Side effects of Oxandrolone

Testosterone level after 5 days of acceptance of Oxandrolone (15 mg/days)

In spite of the fact that Oxandrolone is alpha 17 steroid, its toxic influence on a liver is insignificant. Researches show that Anavar in a dose of 20 mg a day accepted for 12 weeks doesn't influence the level of hepatic enzymes (indicators of destruction of a liver) in any way. The first signs of injury of a liver is pain in the right, a light chair and dark urine.

As Anavar is derivative dihydrotestosterone, it isn't flavored (doesn't turn into estrogen which causes such side effects as ginekomastia and accumulating of liquid in an organism).

In comparison with other steroid medicines, in moderate doses Oxandrolone to a lesser extent oppresses products of own testosterone and an axis hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles on a feedback mechanism. When Anavar's dosage is high, the organism reacts decrease in products of gonadotrophin, believing that the endogenous level of testosterone too high. Lack of stimulation of cages of Leydiga leads to an atrophy of testicles. According to the research Grunfeld, Carl MD, PhD for 2006 Oxandrolone in a dose of 80 mg a day lowered testosterone level for 67% after 12 weeks of acceptance.

Suppression of products of testosterone is shown by decrease by a libido and a sluggish erection. It is possible to eliminate this side effect of Oxandrolone by addition in a rate of gonadotrophin or to conduct the combined courses with androgenic medicines.

Also sometimes such side effects of Anavar as a loss of appetite, belly-aches, nausea, headaches, rise in arterial pressure and some other meet.

In general, side effects of Oxandrolone meet quite seldom, Anavar is considered one of the safest steroids.

Rate of Oxandrolone

  • As it was already told above, Anavar's course is "solo" conducted for increase in relief of muscles. The general duration of a rate is 6-8 weeks.
  • Get acquainted with the general principles of creation of a rate of steroids in article - the best rates of steroids.
  • Begin to accept Oxandrolone in a dose 20 mg the day divided into two acceptances - in the morning and at the beginning of the second half of day.
  • In a week increase a dosage of anavar to 40, at most 80 mg the day divided into 3 acceptances.
  • Continue a rate in the absence of side effects within 5-6 weeks.
  • In 2 days after the termination of a rate of Anavar begin acceptance Tamoxifen in a dose of 10 mg a day for recovery of development of own testosterone for 1-2 weeks.
  • The rate of Oxandrolone requires preliminary consultation of the doctor for identification of contraindications (a hypertrophy of a prostate, a disease of a liver and B'day).
  • For maximum efficiency of a rate accept sports food for a relief

Combined rates of Oxandrolone

To prevent some side effects of Oxandrolone (decrease in a libido, a sluggish erection, toxic influence on a liver) and side effects of the enclosed medicines, and also to receive big results, it is recommended to include high-androgenic medicines in a rate of anavar:

  • Testosterone
  • Sustanon
  • Primobolan

It is necessary to consider also:

  • In case of a combination to other medicines, the dosage of an Oxandrolone usually constitutes about 40 mg a day.
  • The combined rates will allow not only to receive a relief, but also to increase muscle bulk.
  • For maximum efficiency accept a complex of sports food for a set of muscle bulk and keep to a diet for a set of muscle bulk.

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