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22 Nov 2016

Anastan is a popular anabolic means, dietary supplement which is widely advertized on the Internet however actually "Attention" it is absolutely inefficient. Anastan is a part of medicine a small dose of ekdisteron who as it was recently proved, doesn't possess anabolic action.


Anastan - the description of the producer

LLC Tekhnologii budushchego offers new revolutionary medicine - Anastan. Originality and outstanding performance of this means is proved by a large number of researches and feedbacks of athletes. Anastan is an outstanding result, and one of the highest achievements of modern pharmacology of sport. This means was created in case of close interaction of the best domestic and foreign companies which make the best sports additives. The in-depth study of phytosterols and similar substances of a phytogenesis is at the moment conducted. Most actively sterols are studied in such countries as Japan, Germany, the United States of America and Russia. Results of researches developed into creation of one of the most powerful anabolic medicines which Anastan is. This medicine has no analogs in flesh till today.

Anastan is phytogenesis medicine which showed very outstanding performance and is just irreplaceable means for a set of muscle bulk. This additive is made on special technology which costs on the verge of science. Despite outstanding performance, the medicine Anastan doesn't cause side effects, in difference from steroids.

Declared effects of Anastan:

  • Sharp increase in muscle bulk up to 7 kg a month
  • Bystry recovery after the trainings
  • Significant increase in endurance
  • Anastan doesn't do harm to health and doesn't cause side effects
  • Promotes recovery of physical shape
  • Increases force
  • Anastan isn't forbidden by a drug test

Anastan - side effects

The producer declares that Anastan has no side effects. It is necessary to notice that side effects don't arise even in case of prolonged use of medicine. It isn't surprising as Anastan contains only 0,15 mg of a net ekdisteron in 1 capsule whereas a recommended dose of ekdisteron (500 mg a day) in 3330th "Attention" times more.

Expert's assessment

Be careful!

In 2006 the randomized research under control of Colin D Wilborn in which athletes accepted ekdisteron was conducted and carried out physical exercises. Results of a research finally proved what ekdisteron does not exert impact on growth of muscles, does not increase force and endurance. Better take Cerebrolysin.

Anastan contains extremely low doses of ekdisteron

Anastan - feedbacks

The description of Anastan does not correspond to real feedbacks of athletes at all. See Anastan feedbacks on the official site - they only positive, and there is no mistake. You sometime saw real feedbacks without mistakes? Rhetorical question. And now see Anastan feedbacks on bodybuilding forums - generally only negative, and any skilled athlete will tell you that Anastan is only deception for beginners of bodybuilding.

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