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Anabol 5

23 Nov 2016

Anabol 5 from Nutrex

Anabol-5 (allegedly an analog of an anabol) is the nonsteroid additive from Nutrex (now it is made also by other companies, also meets the Anabol 10 brand) applied by beginners and much more rare experienced body builders to a set of muscle bulk. According to producers, Anabol 5 constitutes a weight surplus in case of application to 7 kg in a month and its efficiency exceeds all existing analogs. However actually Anabol 5 for 100% isn't effective.

Anabol 5 from Nutrex

Description of the producer

Anabol 5 call the first medicine which is so effectively improving synthesis of a protein in a human body at the hormonal level without intervention of steroid anabolic medicines. This product influences exchange processes in such a way that there is a significant increase in speed of synthesis of a protein muscles. Thus, in case of a reasonable and high-quality training, medicine has the stimulating effect on anabolism, and also interferes with process of destruction of a muscular protein. Besides, adaptogenny opportunities Anabol 5 interfere with approach of muscular fatigue that allows to increase amounts of a power training.

Multiphase tablets of anabol provide fast effect, allow to support high metabolism for all day.

The first phase represents the high-speed anabolic system containing a vitamin complex. This phase begins the action practically right after acceptance of a tablet, bringing an organism to an anabolic state. It is the most urgent in the morning in the course of transition from a dream to wakefulness and directly after the training. You can also like Cerebrolysin.

The second phase – the anabolic amplifier with the prolonged effect. If ingredients of the first phase make almost instant anabolic impact on muscles, then the second phase considerably strengthens the arisen effect and promotes its preserving during the longest term.


Structure of 1 tablet:

  • Ditsiklopentanon — 2 mg;
  • 6-keto-Diosgenin — 1 mg;
  • Acetate air — 1 mg;
  • Propionate air — 1 mg;
  • Tsipionat air — 1 mg;
  • Dekanoat air — 1 mg;
  • Gekogenin acetate — 1 mg;
  • 25-R Spirostan-5a-diol-6-one-3-one-undecanoate — 1 mg.


Anabol 5 is made by the Balkan pharmaceuticals plants on a legal basis, classified as a vitamin complex. Represents round white tablets. Is issued in packagings on 500 and on 1000 pieces. The day dose recommended by body builders Anabol of 10 - 30-40 mg. Such dosage provides optimum results and a minimum of side effects. In case of the correct program of trainings and a balanced diet acceptance of 80 tablets on 10 mg within 4-6 weeks allows to reach without side effects a surplus of muscle bulk to 10 kg.

Side effects

In case of excess of a recommended dosage side effects are rare and insignificant. So, there is no puffiness, unpleasant feelings in a stomach (and prostates at men) which are observed in case of excess of a dosage of a metandrostenolon. The effect which is expressed in a surplus of muscle bulk at methane and Anabol 10 is identical – thus after a rate of methane there is a rapid reduction of weight due to leaving of the water detained in an organism, and in case of acceptance of the Analogue of anabol the delay of water is much less considerable. Also Anabol 5 has no side effects connected with increase in blood pressure and origin on skin of spots or eels who often meet in case of application of steroid analogs.

Feedback of the expert

Colourful description, accord with a popular steroid and unusual structure do Anabol 5 and 10 extremely interesting to the beginning athletes in bodybuilding. Beginning as experienced athletes looking at structure directly understand that it is no more than ordinary dietary supplement, with total absence of positive effect on growth of muscle bulk.

Ditsiklopentanon and 25-R Spirostan-5a-diol-6-one-3-one-undecanoate are derivatives of ecdisteron which efficiency is confuted by researches in public.

6-keto-Diosgenin — substance passed researches in the USSR in the 70th years, however in public wasn't applied to use because the average dose constituted 1 mg on 100 g of body weight. It means that for growth of muscles it is necessary to use one-time at least 500 tablets.

Air of acetate, dekanoat, propinoat and so forth in itself have no pharmacological activity and join medicinal substance only for change of its properties and behavior in an organism. Here these components are present only with one purpose — to cause association with steroid medicines. Considering high reputation, such meanness was difficult to be expected from Nutrex.

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