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Actovegin pills – Expensive, but effective drug

05 Jan 2017

Advantages: very good results

Disadvantages: high price

A few years ago my son started with a headache problem. With age, the problem is only compounded by, and we had to see a doctor about it.

Having completed a number investigations, we have the following conclusion. "The difficulty of venous outflow in all departments. Dystonic type disorders. Blood filling in the pool right carotid artery significantly reduced." Neurologist said that these demonstrate the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia of a child that at present almost the norm.

We have appointed a number of drugs for the correction of the state. One of these drugs has become, as a group reparants, antioxidants and antihypoxants, drug Actovegin pills.

During the first week of use of tablets headaches his son stopped. For two weeks there was no attack of headache. A doctor appointed to continue the course and drink the drug for another two weeks. The headaches have disappeared almost completely.

Drug is expensive but effective.

Usage time: 1 month

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