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Actovegin injection - good drug

10 Dec 2016

Advantages: increases the supply of oxygen to the cells; easy to carry, it nourishes the blood and brain of oxygen;

I had been suffering regular headaches. Once again, visiting the doctor prescribed me - Actovegin injection. After reading reviews on the Internet, which were very different, I decided - I will make the injection. To me the doctor has appointed only 5 injections. I want to say that the drug is not cheap. But later, I have not regretted it. It was a miracle drug. From headaches actually delivered, and even the immune system strengthened.

I often get sick colds, but after treatment, my immune system was strengthened, and I became less sick. The preparation contains deproteinized calf blood extract. Initially, it is intended to improve metabolism, increases blood supply to the cells and accelerates wound healing. I like it really helped, I'm happy with the effect. I recommend to all to whom it is assigned.

Time of use: Year

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