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About protection of blood vessels

14 Mar 2019

Disturbances of venous outflow of blood, its stagnation provoke pathological changes in microcirculation, capillary filtration of liquid into tissues increases, which leads to overloading of the lymphatic system and violation of the general circulation in the body. In the absence of prevention and treatment of this disease, severe complications can develop (increased thrombosis, deep vein thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, complications of chronic venous insufficiency, thromboembolism, etc.).

angioprotectants. Detralex

The greatest effectiveness in the violations of venous circulation is characterized by therapy with drugs of the group of angioprotectors of systemic action. These drugs stabilize the structural components of the venous vessel wall and increase its tone. Angioprotective or capillaroprotective effect has:

- vitamin P or bioflavonoids: rutin (Venoruton), hesperidin and diosmin (Detraleks, Flebodia, Vasoket, Venarus);
- Vitamin C (ascorbic acid is contained in the drug Ascorutin);
- preparations of vegetable origin on the basis of active substances contained in horse chestnut fruits (TM Eskuzan, Venoplant), in grape bones (TM Antistaks);
preparations of a semi-synthetic derivative of rutin-troxerutin (TM Troxerutin, Troxevasin).
The first place in the rating among the presented products is occupied by Detralex - almost 59% of sales of the whole group. The maximum increase (+ 237%) was demonstrated by the domestic preparation Venarus, the minimal (-25%) - Vasoket preparation. A significant increase in sales (+ 84%) was registered with Antistaks. The cumulative share of sales of TOP10 preparations in the submitted rating occupies 99%, i.e. the remaining drugs account for only 1%.

Top 10 angioprotectants

1) Detralex
2) Flebodia
3) Troxevasin
4) Escuzane
5) Ascorutin
6) Antistax
7) Vasoket
8) Venarus
9) Troxerutin
10) Venoruton

Medicinal subgroups in the group of angioprotectants
- Diosmin + hesperidin
- Diosmin
- Troxerutin
- Ascorbic acid + Rutoside
- Grape red leaves extract dry
- Eszin

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