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Skinny Fiber

28 Nov 2016

Skinny Fiber are the American capsules for weight loss with complex structure which producer is the Skinny Body Care company. Created on the basis of vegetable raw materials, they are positioned as a safe, and at the same time effective remedy for decrease in body weight.

Skinny Fiber

Âescription of structure the producer

  • Glyukomannan. These are insoluble food fibers which get into a stomach, are filled with water and increase in amount by 100 times, imitating saturation. Also increases sensitivity of insulin receptors and controls insulin synthesis. However, it is unclear, this control is how exactly exercised. Development of hormone increases or decreases? Possibly, after all decreases, considering a capability of glyukomannan to increase sensitivity of receptors.
  • Karalluma. Anorektik of the central action. Directly it isn't told about it, but how differently to regard the phrase "influences a hypothalamus and controls feeling of hunger"? Statement that karalluma blocks formation of new fatty cages looks frankly silly. Usually people suffer from hypertrophic obesity which is connected with increase in the size of adipocytes. Increase in quantity of fatty cages is observed only in case of hyper plastic obesity which, as we know, won't respond to conservative treatment and requires surgical intervention.
  • Cha De Bugre is the tree growing in Brazil. According to the producer, reduces appetite and reduces displays of cellulitis at the expense of the allantoin, caffeine and potassium containing in extract of its leaves. Also gives to the person of cheerfulness, vigor, causes desire to move and spend calories.
  • Bromelayn is a vegetable enzyme extracted from pineapple. In a digestive tract of the person promotes the proteolysis to amino acids. Reduces coagulability of blood. Stimulates activities of immune system. The producer doesn't say that bromelayn promotes weight loss, and correctly does. This substance of influence doesn't render on body weight.
  • Papainase is one more proteolytic (splitting proteins) enzyme. For some reason the producer claims that he also splits fats and carbohydrates though papainase can't brag of similar properties. In fact, is an analog of bromelayn. And though attribute to papainase a set of curative properties which that actually doesn't possess, we on them won't stop as they have no relation to decrease in body weight.
  • Proteases is an enzymes which split proteins.
  • Lipases is an enzymes splitting fats. Contrary to opinion of sellers of the Skinny Fiber capsules, lipases promote assimilation of lipids, but don't turn them into heat and energy.

Analysis of structure

  • Glucomannan. It is the complex carbohydrate consisting of glucose and a mannose that is visible even from its name. Contrary to assurances of the producer, it isn't an insoluble alimentary fiber. Being fermented in an intestine, breaks up to simple carbohydrates which are soaked up in a systemic blood stream. In the food industry it is used as a thickener. It can't be enlarged in sizes of 100 times, naturally. It is possible to be convinced of it, having placed contents of the Skinny Fiber capsule in glass with water. Neither, nor on sensitivity of receptors to this hormone, glucomannan, naturally, can't influence insulin synthesis. All this inventions which help sellers of Skinny Fiber to take the rustling papers from purses of trustful buyers.
  • Karalluma. It is a cactus which grows in Africa. It doesn't exert impact neither on a metabolism, nor on the center of hunger in a hypothalamus, nor on body weight. It is used only as a houseplant, isn't suitable for the medical purposes.
  • Cha De Bugre. The producer claims that leaves of this tree contain allantoin, a potassium and a coffeine which promote weight loss. But whether these components can influence body weight? Let's consider them everything is all right turns.
  • Potassium is struck off this list at once - it is only mineral.
  • The allantoin – renders the local anesthetic knitting and antiinflammatory action. Doesn't influence body weight.
  • Coffeine accelerates a metabolism and promotes weight loss in doses which cause rising of arterial pressure and augmentation of heart rate. Whether similar side effects are stated in the instruction to Skinny Fiber? No, dietary supplement is positioned as absolutely safe, not rendering side effects. Means, coffeine isn't enough for depression of body weight.
  • Enzymes. The Skinny Fiber capsules contain proteases and lipases which split proteins and fats. Pancreatinum - It is applied to digestion normalization, but not to weight loss. Better take Pankramin.

Loud promises aren't confirmed by either scientific research, or common sense. The price is unreasonably exaggerated so protect the purses, and don't give in on white teeth smiles of sellers.

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