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Primoject 100

28 Nov 2016

Primoject 100 treats group of easy steroids, its anabolic index is optimum for a safe set of body weight. Androgenic activity of medicine is minimum, and anabolic action of Primoject is similar to action of a nandrolon, but is a little weaker. Active ingredient of medicine is methenobosoms enantat, derivative the digidrotestrosteron. The injection form of a steroid possesses long action, unlike its oral modification that allows to do injections of medicine of times a week.

Description of Primoject 100

Medicine accept a long time as it conducts to a slow, but high-quality surplus of muscle bulk which remains also in case of the acceptance termination. The indisputable benefit – methenolone enantat isn't flavored and doesn't turn into estrogen, respectively, its acceptance is safest.

Side effects of Primoject are noted extremely seldom therefore it will be the optimum choice for beginners, and also for the people predisposed to emergence of side effects. In general estrogenic properties of medicine are lower, than at Nandrolon. The radio chain of enantat has good stability and high biological activity for account 17 - alpha alkylated forms.

Characteristic of Primoject 100

Methenolol enantat, as well as oxandrolon, one of the safest anabolic steroids that does it widely used in different types of sport and among women. Though methenolol enantat is also synthesized from dihydrotestosterone, Primoject properties in injections strongly differ from it. Molecules of a methenolol can interact with aromatic enzyme, but estrogen as a result doesn't appear. Also the steroid doesn't show progestagen activity, unlike a nandrolon.

Thanks to high impact on an androgenic receptor of a cage of Primoject in bodybuilding it is applied during preparation for competitions and in the period of an exit from a cycle. Medicine causes weak accumulating of water in an organism and deposits of fat during a rate. Important high-quality feature is also that under the influence of 5 - alpha reductases liquid Primoject 100 won't be transformed to less active agent so medicine impact force always remains high.

The steroid very poorly oppresses development of own testosterone at the athlete therefore it can be used during an exit from a cycle and in the period of a steroid pause in reduced dosages. You can try Testalamin.

Active ingredient of medicine of Primoject in injections is a child of the German firm. It was for the first time synthesized in the early sixties in Berlin, and it turned out so effective and safe that almost instantly deserved magnificent reputation among anabolic steroids. Application, both among experienced athletes, and among beginners is also still found for it. According to some information, methenolol enantat used by preparation for competitions Arnold Schwarzenegger that already serves as an appreciation to medicine.

How to accept Primoject 100

The dosage recommended for acceptance constitutes 100-300 mg weekly, the injection is entered once a week in view of the long period of action of metelonon enantat.

Primoject 100 rate usually proceeds 7-8 weeks, during this time the athlete gains on average 7-9 kg of the high-quality muscle bulk remaining after the termination of a rate. For women this medicine is almost ideal steroid, not defiant masculinization and virilization even in case of quite considerable dosages. But nevertheless female athletes are recommended to limit weekly doses to 100-200 mg and not to carry out Primoject 100 application longer than three-four weeks. For women it is necessary to observe an interval between injections at least in 4 days not to allow accumulating of undesirable androgens in an organism. More experienced athletes, aware how to accept Primoject 100, can increase a dose to one gram a week. Metenolol enantat is a good basic steroid which is combined practically with all medicines owing to the balance. If you doubt how to accept Primoject 100 and what to combine it with, then the best combination acceptance with injection Vinstrol is considered. For a set of tough muscles it is recommended to combine with such medicines as Sustanon, Nandrolon, Metandrostenolon and others. In this case the method of application of Primozhekt 100 changes according to an individual rate. Also among athletes the good combination of Primoject 100 (200 mg) with nandrolon (200-400 mg) in a week is popular that allows to gain weight in the most short time.

Primoject 100: side effects

Medicine isn't flavored, has low androgenic activity and won't be transformed in an organism to estrogen, so – is safe in case of reasonable application. In case of excess of a recommended dosage the increased load of a liver is occasionally possible. Side effects of Primoject 100 begin is shown in case of the use more than 1 gram a week. Development of own testosterone is suppressed, there are acnes, the timbre of a voice decreases and growth of hair amplifies. Influence medicine usually doesn't render on arterial pressure, the level of cholesterol and other important indicators remain normal. Feedbacks about Primoject 100 by right characterize it as almost harmless anabolic steroid medicine which is ideal for beginners. As much as possible to smooth side effects of Primoject 100, after a rate it is necessary to use Tamoxifen or other medicines of post course therapy. The most effective results are so achieved, and the catabolic phase of recovery of an organism is successfully overcome.

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