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15 Dec 2016

NANOPLAST Forte is a Chinese warming plaster without medical components with unproven efficiency and the pseudoscientific mechanism of action. The producer declares that Nanoplast forte is created on the basis of nanotechnologies, possesses anesthetic and anti-inflammatory action, is effective both for knocking over of sharp conditions, and for course therapy of various diseases of joints, a backbone, muscles and sheaves. The main effect of plaster is placebo.

Producer: Guizhou Miaoyao Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd (China). Moves ahead in Russia the LLC Nanotek Pharm company.

Side effects which aren't specified in the instruction

The most frequent side effects is thermal burns of skin, ulcer (the structure of a plaster can corrode skin), long-term change of pigmentation of skin.

Numerous feedbacks prove that medicine causes burns after stay in the sun or in sunbed.


Real chemical composition of Emplastrum is unknown. The structure described on the website of the producer pseudoscientific is also not true. Remains obscure how Emplastrum underwent the state registration.

Information from the official site:

  • magnetic powder from rare-earth metals (lanthanoids)
  • nanopowder-produtsitor of infrared radiation in far infrared area of range.

Emplastrum NANOLAYER forte represents the thin flexible plate made on the basis of an admixture of fine powder of rare-earth magnetic materials, unique nanopowder is a produtsitor of infrared radiation and hypoallergenic polymeric material. The plate is applied on a sticky basis of corporal color and closed by a protective paper layer which before the use needs to be removed.

Action mechanism

Information from the official site:

This Emplastrum is made on the basis of modern nanotechnologies, achievements of traditional and national medicine. The medical effect of Emplastrum NANOLAYER is forte based on simultaneous action on the center of an inflammation of deep soft heat in combination with magnetotherapeutic influence of constant magnetic field. Please pay attention to Oftalamin.

The combined influence of infrared (thermal) radiation and magnetic field leads to improvement local blood-and lymphokineses, to decrease of stagnation of a blood and improvement of venous outflow, reduction of inflammatory reaction: edema, pain. Improves a local metabolism, relaxes muscles and ligaments. It promotes restoration of function of musculoskeletal system, decrease of hematomas and ecchymoses at injuries of soft tissues and joints.

Nanopowder is a produtsitor of infrared radiation is activated when warming to body temperature and provides long, soft and deep thermal impact on the inflammation center.

Powder from rare-earth magnetic materials influences the lesion center weak constant magnetic field. This combination leads to acceleration blood-and lymphocineses, to decrease of stagnation of a blood, improvement of venous outflow, improves a local metabolism in the inflammation center. The anesthetizing and anti-inflammatory effect of drug is as a result provided, process of natural convalescence of the struck area accelerates.


According to the instruction of Nanoplast Forte possesses anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and muscular weakening actions, promotes recovery of function of the musculoskeletal device (joints, muscles and ligaments), and also more fast recovery and reduction of consequences of the closed injuries of soft fabrics, the musculoskeletal device.

Actually heat can strengthen an inflammation. For example, in case of sports and other injuries cold use is shown, but it isn't warm. Heat is applied in case of chronic pain, however the regular hot-water bottle with hot water quite will be suitable for these purposes. For improvement lympho-and blood circulations use of the warming creams and ointments is reasonable.

Feedbacks and criticism

Magneto therapy

In the USA standard rates of FDA forbid sale and advertizing of any magneto therapeutic products as medical devices as statements about medical effect of such devices are considered unreasonable.

In 2002 in the report of National scientific fund of the USA magneto therapy is called "completely unscientific" . The western medical specialists consider magneto therapy a pseudoscientific method, the mechanism of its action — "fantastic", and claim about lack of clinical proofs of its efficiency. At the same time annual world turnovers of the industry of magneto therapy exceed one billion dollars, only in the USA — $300 million.

Nano powder

Recently the nano prefix is actively operated in many pseudoscientific medical directions. In this case the producer doesn't provide information on composition of nano powder. Actually nano powder represents mix of substances which in case of interaction with air after removal of a protective layer begin to be oxidized with allocation of heat (most likely it is iron powder, absorbent carbon, sodium chloride, vermiculite, wood flour, water).

Feedbacks in network

In the instruction to a plaster it is specified: "STRUCTURE: magnetic powder from rare-earth metals, nano powder produtsitor of infrared radiation in far infrared area of a range". The size of a molecule of substance. Thus, "nano powder" is a powder with particles which size about a molecule?!! It is impossible neither to see such pro-shock, nor to feel - it simply DOESN'T EXIST. Around the world work not with nano powder, and with substance on nanolevel, i.e. at the level of molecules. Except as "admiration" this works of the Chinese marketing specialists don't cause - as dexterously they use terms.

Other expression is "a produtsitor of infrared radiation", also shows that manufacturing sellers understand nothing physics, and write the texts from "ceiling".

First, there is no such word "produtsitor" is to address any search engine enough.

Secondly, if they meant "produtsitor" as a source of infrared radiation, then ANY solid body that is by determination.

Thirdly, infrared radiation exists only in space. In case of contact of two bodies there is no infrared radiation, and direct transfer of heat takes place.

Fourthly, talk about "far infrared area of a range" in general favorite method of buyers.

We also checked also availability of magnetic field from allegedly "magnetic powder from rare-earth materials". There is no magnetic component in this plaster! And for this purpose it isn't necessary to be the specialist - to bring a magnet to a plaster enough. As is well-known two magnets will interact among themselves, but it doesn't happen to a plaster. It in any way doesn't react on external (even very strong) a magnet. In such a way that we have as a result: magnetic field which is absent, nano powder which no who saw and which radiates nonexistent infrared radiation. Whether it is worth using a product which structure isn't known, and the existing description is false.

And all laudatory feedbacks about this plaster which are on the website of the company, no more than purchased advertizing articles. Also it is a shame with those "scientists" who were signed under them...

Nanoplast forte is no effective

Nanoplast forte possesses all signs of charlatanism:

  • Sending to traditional and nonconventional Chinese medicine
  • The numerous cases of side effects described on the Internet
  • The difficult, but illiterate scientific terminology misleading the patient
  • Lack of scientific evidential base
  • Unconfirmed mechanism of action
  • Lack of the statistical importance of results of randomized placebo of a controlled research
  • Aggressive marketing advance


Double blind placebo is controlled following lasting 14 days (120 patients) was carried out in 2010 on the basis of scientific research institute of rheumatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Science and the rheumatologic center of a city hospital. Were studied all status of the patient, all associated diseases, duration of the disease, a radiological stage of illness and other parameters. At all patients quite advanced stages were observed (a long disease with the expressed pains and development of osteoarthritis).

Assessment was carried out: pains, restraints, physical activity

Indications to use

Information from the official site:

NANOPLAST LAYER Forte is offered to be applied at a wide series of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of a musculoskeletal system. Other indications for use of Emplastrum Forte® NANOLAYER are posttraumatic changes of a musculoskeletal system, the joint device as after a trauma the secondary osteoarthritis develops, and the pain syndrome is expressed and the pain syndromes can be complicated by development complex.

Other area for use of Emplastrum NANOPLAST LAYER Forte is pathology of soft tissues (for example, fibromyalgia, myofascial syndrome) which meets not only at rheumatic diseases


  • Neck pain
  • Dorsodynia
  • Back pain
  • Joint pain


  • arthritics, including rheumatic,
  • arthroses, osteoarthrosis, including knee, coxofemoral and humeral joints,
  • spondylarthroses,
  • cervical osteochondrosis, including its implications in the form of a headache, giddiness, disturbances of sensitivity of the top extremities,
  • thoracal osteochondrosis,
  • intercostal neuralgia,
  • lumbar osteochondrosis, lumbago, ischias,
  • other diseases of a backbone which are followed by a local pain syndrome
  • neck, back pain, lumbar area against the background of osteochondrosis and infringement of nerves,
  • the closed injuries of soft tissues – bruises, muscle strain and ligaments, the set dislocations of joints, dermal hematomas and ecchymoses,
  • sports injuries (for treatment of bruises, sprains and muscles, dislocations of joints, ecchymoses and dermal hematomas, etc.).

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