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IRS 19 - It helps in the treatment and prevention of respiratory infections

02 Jan 2017

Advantages: allowed to receive children from 3 months., is effective in rhinitis and for the prevention of colds during the season

Disadvantages: high price

Doctor appointed child IRS-19 during the period of colds and flu. It can be applied even babies ranging from 3 months. Though price and high, As a result, I have not regretted my purchase, the spray was effective at a cold, and I helped the child. I also started to use it.

Sale drug in a small bottle with a very convenient packing. The nozzle need not be inserted into the nose, it can be used when in a nasal passage. The drug is well irrigates the mucosa, sufficient single click.

I liked the drug in its action, the spring used it for prevention, is now a doctor appointed him a child before going to kindergarten.

use time: if necessary

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