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IRS 19 - Immunomodulatory Respiratory Spray - good effect

04 Dec 2016

Advantages: a vaccine for mucosal, suitable for children from 3 months means good immune

On the first day of active use of IRS-19, I felt a noticeable relief of their condition. Headache is almost passed, it became much easier to breathe, reducing the amount of snot. Of course, I continued injection, antibiotics, and perform all other medical indications, but the drug has helped me clearly! IRS-19 copes well with bacterial diseases, such as sinusitis and prolonged colds, but in the case of flu or other virus, most likely will not be as effective as in the case of bacteria.

But he has a certain disadvantage. Perhaps due to the fact that I have often used it, I was getting used to it and he stopped to help me as good as the original. That is, the effect was much weaker, and it was noticeable. Then I decided to take a break from using it. Somewhere half a year did not use it, and then start again apply. And again he began to help well. So, according to my observations, it should be alternated with other immunomodulators.

Another plus of this drug- it can be used for children from 3 months of age.

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