IRS 19 - Immunomodulatory Respiratory Spray - effective
04 Dec 2016
Advantages: excellent prevention is very easy to use
Disadvantages: quite expensive
Once my child is sick the 3rd time in 3 months, for us, this is very common, was the son of about 1.5 years. The doctor did not know how to deal with and prescribed IRS-19.
By immunomodulators I am skeptical, even negative, but so tired of these sores, I bought even for such a great price . After the course of the "IRS-19", we have not had all of about 4 months, and it's a given that was the epidemic.
I myself occasionally used the "IRS-19", I have chronic tonsillitis, sore throat and often hard for a month it was trying to get sick several times, usually to ill exactly, but every time I squirted this drug and all passed, and very quietly, after a couple of hours after application, very smoothly, I just one day suddenly remembered that I had a sore throat.
I recommend it!