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Hexarelin+CJC-1295 DAC+PEG MGF: course POWERFUL MASS

31 Oct 2017


The main task of this course of peptides is the qualitative collection of dry muscle mass, while the growth of subcutaneous fat is not provoked, which is typical of most modern athletes "on the mass."

Peptides can enhance anabolic processes and relieve the negative consequences that arise sometimes. In addition, they improve the general state of the human body.

• Anabolic response, rapid growth of muscle mass, hypertrophy.

• Improvement of the musculature relief by reducing the amount of fat.

• Increased stamina, quick recovery.

• Rejuvenation, enhance immunity, improve the condition of nails, skin and hair.

• Strengthening of bones, joints, ligaments.

• Lowering cholesterol in the blood, protecting the liver.

Used drugs

• Hexarelin (Hexarelin) 2mgx 8 vials.

• CJC-1295 DACx 9 bottles.

• PEG MGF (PEG MGF) x 9 vials.

Duration of the course

9 weeks (63 days).


With the simultaneous administration of Hexarelin peptides and CJC-1295 DAC, it can lead to a long-term and strong synergistic effect, since these drugs differ in potentiating action against each other.

This compound provides a powerful anabolic response. According to the experience and feedback of many bodybuilders, it is this bunch of peptides of the GHRP-group that gives the most powerful effect.

PEG MGF in this course accelerates the division of cells, promoting hypertrophy and rapid growth of muscle volume. An essential bonus is that daily injections of just one peptide - Hexarelin - are necessary. That's why it is suitable for those who do not want or for some reason can not make frequent injections of several drugs at once.

Following the results of a fully conducted course - the result will be visible - powerful and beautiful muscles, traced veins, a huge amount of energy and a luxurious appearance.


The course is designed for 63 days.

So, you need 10 bottles of Hexarelin, use two to three times a day 100mkg.

Peptide CJC-1295 DAC - 1000 mcg twice a week.

Peptide PEG MGF - 1000 mcg twice a week.

The dosage is calculated for a user weighing 80-100 kg given that 5 μg of the active substance remains in the "nozzle" of the syringe.


When using the recommended doses of the drug, no serious side effects have been identified. There may be a slight increase in appetite, a slight increase in the level of hormones cortisol and prolactin in the blood (will not have a significant effect on muscle mass gain).

In our store you can quickly and safely buy peptides for muscle mass collection CJC-1295 DAC, PEG MGF, Hexarelin and bactericidal water for dissolving drugs at a low price. For convenience, you can buy immediately the entire course for a quality muscle mass. At your service fast, convenient delivery and full confidentiality of the order.

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