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Growth Hormone in Bodybuilding

20 Oct 2017

To date, recombinant somatropin, obtained by genetic engineering, is one of the most effective sports products used to effectively build muscle. Growth hormone in bodybuilding is called a miracle drug, allowing in the shortest possible time to achieve the maximum anabolic effect.

Growth Hormone Effects

Growth hormone in bodybuilding has found its wide application due to the following effects:

Intensive muscle building.

Increase the size and number of muscle cells.

Strengthening of bone and connective tissue and ligamentous apparatus.

Stimulation of insulin-like growth factor, which accelerates cell proliferation and protein synthesis.

Intensified conversion of fat into energy.

Reducing the frequency of injuries.

An incredible increase in strength.

Features of the use of growth hormone in bodybuilding

The use of Growth Hormone in bodybuilding contributes to the growth of dry muscle mass, and an increase in the volume of extracellular and intracellular fluid, which causes the growth of myocytes. Thus, the main purpose of this powerful anabolic muscle development factor is the formation of an ideal muscular relief. Compared with steroids, this drug does not affect the potency, has the least amount of side effects, is more effective in burning subcutaneous fat.

Athletes who use Growth Hormone in bodybuilding in large doses require periodic monitoring of the thyroid gland and, if necessary, the use of thyroid medications. However, excessive daily loads of sensitive receptors can cause loss of muscle mass, as well as lead to the development of other negative reactions. Therefore, when starting to use this drug, you should consult a sports doctor. Only a specialist, after a preliminary examination, will help to calculate the daily dosage and duration of the course application, not only effective, but also safe for your organism.

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