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Growth Hormone for Weight Loss

02 Oct 2017

Currently, concepts such as Growth Hormone and fat burning have become practically interchangeable for athletes at the "peak" of drying and in working on the relief. The reason for this is the ability of this biologically active polypeptide to accelerate metabolic processes and stimulate the burning of ballast fats.

The effect of growth hormone on fat burning

Consider how the Growth Hormone works for weight loss. The mechanism of action of somatropin is its binding to molecules of specific membrane receptors located on cells of adipose tissue, which plays an important role in regulating the energy balance of the body. Under the influence of STH, the following metabolic transformations occur:

  • Absorption and utilization of glucose by fatty tissues;
  • Increased blood glucose levels;
  • An increase in the number of fatty acids in the plasma due to enhanced lipolysis.

At the same time, the energy, formed due to the increased disintegration of fats, stimulates anabolic processes (protein synthesis). However, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that fat burning with Growth Hormone is possible only with the correct dosage (to get rid of ballast fat, without building muscle mass, experts recommend using the drug for two months, daily, at 4 IU).

To more effectively get rid of fat deposits Growth Hormone is recommended to use in combination with thyroxine, which actively affects all metabolic processes and has a powerful fat burning effect. The course application of these drugs provides the formation of an ideal muscle relief, increasing muscle elasticity and improving the overall condition of the whole organism.

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