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Growth Hormone - Somatropin

25 Oct 2017

Somatropin, or somatotropic hormone ("soma" in Latin means "body") is a polypeptide bioregulator produced by the anterior pituitary gland. This substance is used in sports (mainly in bodybuilding) to form a perfect muscle relief.

Biosynthetic Growth Hormone Somatropin refers to preparations of a protein nature that have specific specificity. This biologically active product, obtained by genetic engineering, is available in the form of a dry lyophilized powder for injection, to which is attached an ampoule with a solvent. Possessing anabolizing properties, STG stimulates the process of hematopoiesis and enhances the synthesis of proteins. Unlike other modern anabolics used in sports, the action of Somatropin is aimed at increasing the number of muscle cells. As a consequence, after the hormone preparation has been withdrawn, the strength, mass and volume of muscles not only do not decrease, but continue to progress for many more months.

Pharmacological properties

  • Has an anabolic effect (enhances the growth of muscle mass);
  • Protects muscles from destruction (it is anti-catabolic - cortisol blocker);
  • Regulates energy costs, promotes accelerated healing of wounds, strengthens the body's immune forces;
  • Reduces fatty layer, strengthens bone tissue;
  • At a young age stimulates the synthesis of growth factors, creates the optimal level of nutrients;
  • Prevents the absorption of glucose by tissues, increasing its content in the blood;
  • Stimulates the repeated growth of atrophied with age internal organs.

Usage of somatropin in bodybuilding

At the moment, human growth hormone (its recombinant form) has found its wide application both in medical and in sports practice. This drug not only increases the protein mass, but also contributes to the development of a carbohydrate saving mechanism, switching to fat channels.

Anabolic drugs made on the basis of Somatropin do not have androgenic activity, do not have a negative effect on potency, do not disrupt the normal functioning of the hypothalamus-hypophysis-testicle arc, do not require post-course therapy.

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