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GHRP-2 \ 6 + CJC-1295 with DAC: The Golden Mean

01 Nov 2017

Aims of Course

This course is for you if you are interested in:

• sharp and persistent increase in strength and endurance;

• Reducing the amount of subcutaneous fat, reducing the volume of visceral fat, is most noticeable in the abdomen, which has a beneficial effect on the health of internal organs;

• constantly progressive growth of muscle tissue - a week to 1 kilogram of pure muscles;

• improving the quality of the skin, the condition of the hair, nails, until the disappearance of fine wrinkles;

• increased bone structure density, joint and ligament strengthening, during intensive training to reduce the risk of their injuries;

• Improvement of emotional state and sleep.

Used drugs:

• 5 vials of GHRP (6 or 2) 5 mg;

• 9 vials of the drug CJC-1295 with DAC 2 mg.


Compared with the usual "Golden Mean", this course uses a modification of CJC-1295 - a peptide with prolonged exposure. It is characterized by high indicators of stability and bioavailability, improves effectively the production of GH, while its half-life continues up to 2 weeks. The effect, which gives only one injection, can be compared with the intake of medium doses of GH - growth hormone for a whole week.

Thus, the course is suitable for those athletes who are trying not only to reduce the time frame for mass recruitment, but also to do less injections than in other similar courses. Feedback from those who have already tried this drug on themselves, indicate that the muscles really grow quickly, and there is no need to constantly keep a few peptides with them.

Also, the course will be interesting for those who want to spend their money reasonably, buying special medications that do not harm health and allow for a beneficial and sustainable result.


• GHRP (2 or 6) - 150 mkg 3 times a day. 5 vials - for a course for 2 months;

• ÑJÑ-1295 with DAÑ - 1000 μgx2 times a week. 9 vials - for a course of 63 days.

The dosage is calculated for an athlete weighing 100 kg with the expectation that 5 μg of the active substance remains in the "nozzle" of the syringe. Dosage should be calculated using the formula: per 1 kg of weight:

• GHRP - 1.5 μg;

• CJC-1295 with DAC - 10 μg.

Experts strongly do not recommend lowering the dosage of the second peptide. Minimal effective for the growth of muscle mass dose of GHRP is - 1 μg of the drug per 1 kg of weight.

Mix the peptides in a syringe just before the injection. In a vial, mixing is unacceptable, as it provokes a loss of effectiveness and the appearance of possible side effects.

Duration of the course

9 weeks - 2 months.


There are no contraindications. Very rarely there was dizziness and pulsation in the region of the temples within half an hour (30 minutes) after injection of CJC-1295 with DAC, redness at the site of injections, a feeling of fatigue in the first days of taking the drug. This is due to the increased activity of growth hormone production centers. The only side effect of GHRP-2 and GHRP-6 is redness and burning at the injection sites, which pass very quickly.

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