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01 Nov 2016

GABA (gamma aminooleic acid, GAMK) – one of the most important mediators of a brain which possesses overwhelming action. By the nature it is amino acid. GABA in a human body induces a dream and eliminates mental excitement.

GABA (gamma aminooleic acid, GAMK)

In bodybuilding of GABA it is applied as it is capable to stimulate a forward share of a hypophysis which produces growth hormone. Growth hormone in turn has the expressed anabolic and fat-burning effect.

Effects of GABA

Thus, use of GABA additive is justified for achievement of the following purposes:

  • Increase in level of hormone of growth
  • Receiving relief
  • Combustion of fat
  • Improvement of quality of a dream
  • Sedative (soothing) effect

Assessment of the expert

At the moment many researches GABA which are devoted its role as a mediator in the central nervous system of the person and animals are published. Much attention is paid to its mechanism of action, and also pharmacological medicines which change metabolism of GABA in case of these or those diseases. However researches which study effect of GABA as additives aren't enough. Some consider that it even the collusion of the pharmaceutical companies directed to preserving sales of tranquilizers.

But the most reasonable explanation for it is covered in inability of GABA to get through a barrier, so and into a brain where it can develop the action. At the moment we didn't manage to find researches which directly confirm that GABA accepted inside can get into a brain and only the few scientists consider that using "megadoses" it is possible to achieve positive result.

Proofs that GABA in case of the use inside in the form of additives raises hormone of growth by 500% (five times) are provided in two researches which were published about 30 years ago.

In May, 2003 the new experiment in which results found confirmation was executed, and testing was carried out on bodybuilders. 3 g of GABA increased growth hormone secretion, however only if additive was applied right after exercise accomplishment. Without power exercises of GABA didn't influence secretion.

The research of 2008 came to a conclusion that acceptance of GABA increases secretion of hormone of growth both at rest, and after the training though as it influences muscle growth remains to unknown. You can try Pantogam.


Thus, it is possible to draw a conclusion that additive enlarges concentration of GR by 4-6 times, however it isn't always enough for improvement of results in bodybuilding. At administration of drugs GR by athletes its concentration in plasma is enlarged in tens of times and in this case the expressed organism response becomes perceptible. It is more preferable to use the pharmaceutical drugs which are listed below.

Alternative in a drugstore

Gammalonum, Aminalonum - drug of gamma aminobutyric acid.

Considering low ability to get into a brain in medicine agents which easily pass through a barrier are used and already in a brain under the influence of enzymes turn into GABA. Drug Pikamilon enjoys the greatest popularity. In a brain breaks up to GABA and Niacinum. The last dilates vessels and improves a blood stream. In America is issued as nutritional supplement. (it is forbidden in America since November, 2015)

Pantogamum, Gopantam - the modified formula of gamma aminobutyric acid (GAMK + B5 vitamin) which easily gets into a brain. The most modern drug, with a high opportunity to get through a hematoencephalic barrier. At high efficiency has a minimum of side effects, it can be prescribed to children.

Phenibutum - GAMK + the Fenilny radical, well liposoluble radical (for the best passing through GEB). In Russia is on sale according to the prescription.

Doses and regimen of reception

Twinlab, GABA-Plus

Twinlab, GABA-Plus

"Attention" Is recommended to give preference to additives with B6 vitamin addition. B6 vitamin, according to urgent researches, is the limiting cofactor of level of such neurotransmitters as: Dofaminum, serotonin, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), Noradrenalinum and melatonin. Synthesis of the neurotransmitters stated above is sensitive to B6 vitamin level. At moderate deficiency of B6 vitamin there is an inhibition of activity of GABA, there are various sleep disorders, behavior, the risk of disturbance of work of cardiovascular function increases, pituitary control of hormonal secretion weakens.

In researches the positive effect is reached at the use not less than 2 grams of GABA a day. The optimum dose of GABA makes 3,75 g a day (after the training) - the maximum therapeutic dose. Small doses of GABA are useless as only a small part gets into a brain through a barrier. The best results are achieved at an intravenous way of introduction. At the above-mentioned pikamilon and Phenibutum capable it is better to pass through GEB, doses make about 200 and 500 milligrams a day respectively.

Side effects

Treats side effects of GABA: weak prickings in a face and a neck, changes of pulse rate and respiration. These side effects aren't unhealthy, usually arise at a dose higher than 4 g a day, but usually quickly pass after several days of reception.

GABA can cause a sleepiness therefore is accepted sometimes before going to bed.

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