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FAQ: Language in the Internet

13 Dec 2016

6 facts about the transformations that have taken place with the language under the influence of new communication tools

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Watch a live object is interesting, linguists rarely faced with this. They love to study dead languages that are in good condition. And suddenly all the languages of something terrible had happened: they were placed in a completely new environment - communication conditions. But it turned out that the communication conditions of active affect the language in the way it works.

  • 1.About an intermediate form of the language

Almost all the great languages in which we speak, have undergone transformations, so that most people started talking about the deterioration of language. You can certainly call it corruption, but it is an emotional assessment, but in reality is language adaptation to unusual conditions. What is unusual in terms of the Internet? During its long history, humanity has developed two forms of the language, the two forms of communication: written and oral. Moreover, the oral form is drawn to the dialogue, it was originally instantly, that is disappearing, not saved, and therefore humanity has managed to invent more and written form in which it can be stored for a long time. But the written form tends to monologue novels, memos, and so on. Today on the Internet we are dealing with the written form of the language. However, by writing a little something left, because we are knocking on the keys, and suddenly something appears on the screen. It's a particular way of writing, because usually the letter or drawn, or scratching, and here there was a different way of their generation. But most importantly, what we perceive through the eyes of the speech, and this formal written language much like verbal - in terms of structures and vocabulary. This is surprising, because there was an intermediate form, and it is dialogical.

  • 2.About Changing in writing language

It is, of course, not all online, because there are some corporate sites, has the president's website, where it is a traditional written language. Although there may be comments, so, too, there is a dialogue. But the so-called conversational online - chat rooms, the blogosphere, social networks - is constantly writing dialogue. Moreover, this applies not only to the Internet, because today the computer slowly goes by the wayside, becomes non-essential instrument of communication, and smart phones that were phones, today largely used for writing, not orally, that phone, in general -What nonsense. And how does this affect the language? It seems to be written speech displace oral: in many situations where we have previously communicated verbally, we now communicate in writing. Even sitting in the same room, the staff often share SMS instead of just talk to each other. But while writing the victory was inconclusive and generally questionable. Because this written language of the Internet and SMS exposed to such corrosion, although it is also estimated a word, it becomes more and more of orality. We see that, on the one hand, there is the expansion of writing, on the other hand - written language changes and becomes essentially oral.

  • 3.About emoticons and a strikeout

It turned out that the funds which we are accustomed, is not enough to perform the function of speech. During speech we gesture, smile, or, conversely, frowning, changing the tone, that is working on companion in various ways. At this writing, we are deprived. Thus, writing less emotional, and the dialogue is very much felt. The Internet began to develop different formal means to compensate for the lack of intonation, smile and others. They are, in general, are known to all, the most famous - it smiles. Smiley - this is our smile. There are less obvious things that are also very interesting, for example, strikethrough appeared on the Internet. It would seem, strikethrough was always there, but before we crossed out so that it could not be seen. Today, you can use the Delete key, that is, just delete what we erroneously wrote, or what we do not want to come down interlocutor. And the internet is a line through it remains prominent, continues to participate in communication and makes written language multidimensional, because that is crossed out, still exists only in some special dimension. For example, it is thought his interlocutor that he seems to be hiding. Thus, writing on the Internet turned out to be multidimensional. Many saw it as a damage, but if it is corruption, then at the same time enriching formal means, and the enrichment of writing. To improve ability for learning language – buy CogitumSemax, Piracetam, Phenotropil and Picamilon.

  • 4.About the game in the internet

There are many different methods and techniques to change the language to make it more verbal. Perhaps the next is most important. On the Internet there are many, it would seem, is absolutely meaningless stuff, sayings, that do not carry clear communicative function, but perform a vital function of the game. And it turns out that the game is also first and foremost characterizes spoken language, because it brings the interlocutors. And numerous experiments on the Internet, where, say, the letters are used instead of numbers or used riddles serve to revive the written language, making it more game and thus form a dialogue on the model of communication is oral and not a written monologue.

  • 5.About Notes in School

Very bright analogue of today's Internet correspondence may be throwing of notes at school in the classroom when the students on one sheet of paper wrote little notes, and it is similar to an e-mail, where the entire text of the communication presented. But it was a very narrow scope, actually, after the lesson, this note and ejected, and on the Internet, everything remains. So we came to something completely new, we saw in this strict dichotomy strict opposition of two types of language, and the two forms of communication, has grown a new, complex, combined form. We must understand that technological progress also exist to the computer, and it also changed the form. For example, the emergence of tape recorders and other recording devices allowed to keep the spoken language for a long time. The appearance of the phone speech allowed to travel great space, but it did not change the essence of speech. A computer today, and even more new technical means have changed the essence: they have erased the boundary between the oral and written communication.

  • 6.About the scientific study of language

The science that studies the language of the internet, these new forms of language existence, just being formed. Therefore, no conventional wisdom in today's scientists do not. But coming up with new terms, for example, the English appeared a wonderful term cyberpragmatics. And this, of course, should be studied. It is obvious that certain phenomena exist in the language and the internet for a short time. For example, the game registers the game with Latin and Cyrillic and other "freaks" appeared very briefly and no longer appear. But the overall trend is certainly there, and we still can not figure out how to develop our facility.

It's a great situation when a linguist is not easy looking at his object, which has long since died, or at least live a stable and well, and trying to keep up with the changing language. Moreover, the language is changed before our eyes, and very quickly. This is a completely new environment, and I think that today is one of the main objectives of the linguist is quite primitive - it's just a fixation of these phenomena. And then they have to try to interpret, and this situation provides an excellent opportunity to binding terms of communication and language changes, because when we study the changes in the language, it is usually not very interested in the cause. We just fix what has changed in the language. And one of the most important linguistic problems concerning not only this area, but in general the changing object - because the Russian language changes not only on the Internet - is to try to link the changes in the language with the external changes that give rise to them. Linguists is the only study.

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