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FAQ: Gender identity and adaptation

04 Nov 2016

6 facts about male and female social attributes, behaviors and strategies of chromosomal anomalies

In modern science, psychology is not always shared by sex and gender identity. Very often in the literature uses the term "gender-sensitive" to denote sexual differences. However, this is not true, they should be distinguished. And when we say "man and woman", "boy and girl", "girl and boy", we mean sex differences, some biological features. These features consist of a number of characteristics. This hormonal sex and gonadal sex, and morphology, by which we can distinguish between men and women. In addition to gender identity should be allocated to gender identity. Very often sexual identity correlate with the biological sex and gender - the social. To some degree, we can accept this point of view, in order to separate these two constructs.

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  • 1.Problem of Social Sex

The problem of gender identity (or social floor) was most clearly put Sandra Bem, who introduced this special terms. When we talk about gender identity, we use the word "man and woman", "male and female", and when we talk about gender identity, we use the terms "masculine" and "feminine." One would focus on two of these terms and relate more masculine with masculine features and feminine - with women. But when we talk about psychological constructs, they often observe more variative picture because the mind allows a person to regulate the relations with the environment. Therefore, in addition to masculinity and femininity Sandra Bem introduces the construct, which is called "androgyny."

  • 2.Androgyny and adaptation

From a medical point of view of androgyny - is the presence of some mixed signs. And from a psychological point of view it is a feature of such human characteristics, his personality, which allows him, in terms of Sandra Bem, use different strategies of behavior. She says that the androgyny allows a person to better adapt to the different circumstances of life. Pronounced masculine strategies associated with risk appetite, with the desire to be autonomous, independent, with hyperactivity, aggression and so on. Feminine strategy can be correlated with a typically feminine behavior. This desire to establish communication, be gentle, gentle, courteous, proactive, and so on. Androgynous - a type of gender identity, which corresponds to both. That is androgynous are in the spectrum of its policies both feminine and masculine strategy. It turns out that in many situations a person can update one or the other or all of the strategies together. At site you can buy Complex of Cytamins for the women's health and Complex of Cytamins for the men's health.

  • 3.Strategy of Adequate Behavior

Russian psychology Yenikolopov and Dvoryanchikov say that so confidently talk about how androgyny should not be unconditional basis of human adaptation to the environment, because it is important not only that the behavior of a variety of strategies, but also the ability in some particular circumstances of the update this spectrum adequate strategies. That is the one that will meet the particular situation and lead to the desired result a person. Otherwise, the man with the androgynous type of identity can be prone to confusing behavior strategies. For example, he starts laughing at a funeral, or will cry at the wedding ceremony. We can observe the roles of heterogeneity, an unsuccessful payment. It is very important to pay attention not only to the possibility of androgyny to serve as a basis to adapt, but also to explore some additional factors that can say that this is not always the case.

  • 4.Communication of masculinity and femininity with adaptation

Of course, one can argue that other types of gender identity problem rather than plastic and successful as the androgynous type. It turns out that masculinity is also related to adaptation, no matter who has this type of gender identity - men or women. This universal characteristic, which provides a person successful, self-confidence, and so on. Part of this is acceptable, because the most typical characteristic of masculinity - is an activity that often appears to human way of social advancement.
But with respect to femininity no unambiguous assessment. It is believed that the femininity of a woman can be the basis of its adaptation and femininity in a man, if it is marked characteristic, can be for him some predictor or base of problem behavior, communication in relationships with other people. The thing that made men perceived as socially active, autonomous, independent, risk-averse within reasonable bounds. If a man has expressed traits of femininity that we often relate with addiction, then surely, for him it will be a problem in some fields. For improving adaptation you can use Semax, Metaprot, AfobazolGrandaxin.

  • 5.Undifferentiated identity

In addition, there is the undifferentiated type of gender identity. This is the type of people who have been reduced, and masculine and feminine traits. This issue is a separate problem, as this area of research quite limited explored fundamental science. The so-called undifferentiated identity is often correlated with traumatisation, problems in childhood. One of these potential problems - it is the failure of the newborn sex parents, for example, when parents waited for the boy and the girl was born. This rejection of the child may lead to the fact that the girl begin to educate, as a boy, and ignore or deny it feminine.
Undifferentiated identity can be one of the subjects for further study because early trauma are not always this basis. The reasons may be varied. Here is one concrete example: a woman estimates itself, so that the results of diagnostic psychologist defines her undifferentiated type of gender identity. During the conversation, it becomes clear that a woman evaluates himself so because she has a very jealous husband. Apparently, she tries in the eyes of other people look child and neutralize their feminine traits, in order not to provoke others to establish contact with her as a woman, as well as in order not to cause feelings of jealousy and other negative feelings with your husband.

  • 6.Chromosomal abnormalities

In modern science, the problem of chromosomal anomalies studied by various sciences. It is an interdisciplinary field of study that combines research interests of doctors and psychologists. One of the most promising studies have been planned and carried out by employees of the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology of the Russian Ministry of Health (dmn, prof. Uvarova EV) and the staff of the Institute of Psychology (DPN, prof. NE Harlamenkova). In particular, it has been studied a sample of girls with Shereshevsky - Turner syndrome or syndrome Svayer, chromosomal abnormalities. Girls with Turner syndrome are missing one X chromosome, while girls with the syndrome have Svayer male karyotype (46 XY chromosomes), but the female phenotype (appearance, they look like girls). Normally at birth girls with the Svayer syndrome no doubt that she is a girl.
During puberty or in Turner syndrome, or the Svayer syndrome not form secondary sexual characteristics, that is both a medical and psychological problem. At the same time physicians often lack the psychological data, because the treatment of the girls they use pharmacological hormones and proper psychological support is carried out by the doctors. However, despite the success of this psychological support, it is important to understand what changes occur in the psychology of girls in the course of treatment, like changing their view of themselves. That is why this area of research is very promising.

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