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Benefits and Harms of Growth Hormone

09 Oct 2017

Recombinant somatropin, which is one of the most popular drugs among beginners and professional bodybuilders, as well as other pharmacological agents, can have a dual effect on the functional state of the athlete's body. However, with the right dosage, the benefits and harms of growth hormone are not comparable. In this article we will talk about the positive and negative qualities of this product.

Benefits of Growth Hormone

Recombinant GH, used in sports pharmacology for the growth of muscle mass and the burning of subcutaneous fat deposits, has a fairly short period of action. However, this time is quite enough to reproduce a set of both direct and indirect positive effects. First and foremost, the benefits of growth hormone is to stimulate anabolic and block catabolic processes. In addition, this product of genetic engineering has the following positive pharmacological effects on the body:

  • Enhancing protein synthesis and cellular metabolism;
  • Lowering cholesterol in the blood;
  • Regulation of the CNS;
  • Increase in the number and size of muscle cells;
  • Improvement of skin and hair;
  • Stimulation of collagen synthesis;
  • Regulation of homeostasis;
  • Normalization of the myocardium;
  • Increased gluconeogenesis;
  • Acceleration of wound healing;
  • Strengthening of bone and connective tissue;
  • Increase in the level of insulin-like factors;
  • Stimulation of endorphins production;
  • Improvement of cognitive functions;
  • Updating of tissues of internal organs;
  • Reduction of urea levels and improvement of lipid profile of blood;
  • Increased sexual activity.

The benefits of growth hormone are evident not only in the collection of muscle mass, but also in the treatment of obesity, as well as in reflex therapy that helps slow the aging process. However, if the recommended dosage is not followed, and if there are concomitant risk factors, this drug may harm the human body.

Damage to growth hormone

It should be noted that recombinant somatotropin is pyrogen-free (it does not contain substances that cause undesirable reactions), and therefore, it is absolutely safe. The damage of growth hormone, as a rule, is manifested due to uncontrolled use and application of superphysiological doses of the drug. In childhood it can lead to gigantism, and in the adult it can provoke the development of acromegaly. Also, the negative effects of synthetic STH include diabetes mellitus, increased blood pressure and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.

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