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23 Nov 2016

AxioLabs – is one of leading companies in the world pharmaceutical market which uses only the most modern ideas and made significant progress in questions of development. All products of the company are carried out only with observance of all rules for production organization, also control of properties of pharmaceutical means that absolutely provides confidence of buyers in products purchased by them. Also, Axiolabs fantastically adjusted development and research works in the field of opening of new pharmaceutical means. Implementation only of high-quality and reliable products which are everywhere used for ensuring all needs of athletes promotes also achievement of the best results. All products of the company are absolutely safe for health of athletes. Do not forget take Gliatilin for better results.


Axio Labs is founded by Brian Weinstein. The brand has rather interesting story. Created on "splinters" of the well-known British Dragon (don't confuse to British Dragon Pharmaceuticals, Co, Ltd), AxioLabs made rather high-quality medicines. However in 2009 Brian Weinstein got under arrest. Just quality degradation of steroids also falls on this period. At the moment Brian Weinstein is arrested for the second time, and he declared that he is ready to cooperate with the investigation. Well, the situation was heated to a limit, and its development can't be predicted. Where the vector of the producer will go, we learn eventually.

Feedbacks about AxioLabs

Opinions on AxioLabs aren't enough, but nevertheless they are. Feedbacks about Axio Labs say that earlier (before Brian Weinstein's arrest) medicines were more better. It is at the moment very difficult to tell something certain, as well as to purchase products (to find the reliable dealer very hard). The carried-out analyses often contradict each other: in one case the corresponding indicators increase, and in another – stand still. It testifies to that, something in the market is Aksio Labs's counterfeits, or the producer consciously exaggerates amount of active ingredient.

There are also positive mentions about AxioLabs: some athletes note worthy quality of AAS of this brand. But nevertheless, considering a present situation, the choice for benefit of products of Aksiolabs is an unjustified risk.

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