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Androbol 300

25 Nov 2016

Androbol 300 represents the composite medicine containing various air of testosterone. Analog of a sustanon and omnadren.


Concentration of active ingredients: 300 mg/ml.

Producer: LYKA LABS LTD (India).

Active ingredients:

  • testosterone mg acetate 50
  • testosterone mg propionate 50
  • testosterone fenilporopionat 50 mg
  • testosterone tsipionat 50 mg
  • testosterone dekanoat 100 mg.


Androbol 300 is an injection anabolic steroid medicine, active ingredient – testosterone of dekanoat of 100 mg, mg propionate 50 testosterone, testosterone of tsipionat of 50 mg, testosterone of fenilpropionat of 50 mg, testosterone acetthis 50 mg, concentration of active ingredient of 300 mg/ml. Medicine is characterized by very high anabolic activity in case of the action expressed by an androgen. One of the Best drug is Bonothyrk.

Androbol intensifies protein synthesis therefore there is an intensive growth of muscle bulk. Medicine promotes blood saturation by oxygen due to blood formation stimulation (increase in quantity of erythrocytes). Testosterone air in such combination mutually supplements and strengthens the action.

Androbol combines the best effects of various derivatives of testosterone. Medicine begins to work very quickly, within the first hours after an injection, and its action continues up to three weeks.

Androbol 300 provides the balanced action of the most effective derivatives of testosterone, and uniform distribution of level of their concentration during medicine validity period. Efficiency of each of air is known to athletes long ago if to accept them separately. Collected in balanced "cocktail" as a part of Androbol they make the maximum anabolic impact, it promotes rapid growth of popularity of medicine among bodybuilders and power lifters.

Positive reviews about Adrobole confirm what this medicine to already many athletes helped to make powerful races in improvement of sports indicators. Medicine promotes increase in production of erythrocytes which transport oxygen. Blood saturation by oxygen also raises power indicators and endurance of muscles.

High degree of aromatasia of active ingredient in steroid Androbol leads to increase in concentration of estrogen. Therefore one of the main side effects ginekomastia for which prevention on a rate use aromatasia inhibitors. Besides, Androbol 300 suppresses development of own testosterone therefore increase in a dosage and duration of a rate over the recommended level leads not to growth of sporting achievements, and to problems with health. In the recommended quantities medicine isn't toxic for a liver, but in case of long acceptance can cause dysfunctions of a liver and kidneys.

Application, rates

Androbol 300 it is necessary to accept not more often than 1 time a week lasting rate of 6 weeks, the maximum duration of a rate of 10 weeks. The dosage can be established within 300-750 mg. The beginning athletes aren't recommended to exceed a dose of 500 mg.

Upon completion of Androbol's rate the surplus of muscle bulk quite often reaches 10 kg. If dynamics of growth is lower, you shouldn't increase a dosage. In that case it is necessary to pay attention to other factors. Most likely, it isn't low to a dose, and in unbalanced or insufficient food, the wrong schedule of trainings, non-compliance with the sports mode and rest.

For increase in a surplus of muscle bulk it is possible to purchase Androbol 300 and to add to a combination Danabol and Strombafort. Combinations with medicines on the basis of nandrolon of a dekanoat will be effective. Androbol's combinations 300 with Vinstrol and Parabolan give a smaller surplus, but better muscles. On a rate apply aromatasia inhibitors to liquidation of side effects. After a rate PKT is carried out.


Those who accept Androbol 300 sometimes note consequences in the form of an acne, and skin rashes have considerable manifestations. But in such cases, as a rule, use a high dosage or combinations with badly combined steroids.

In case of the termination of acceptance of Androbol side effects, as a rule disappear in 2-3 weeks. In general, feedbacks to Androbole testify, to his outstanding performance for a set of muscle bulk.

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