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7 types of doping in a 40-year-old athlete!

20 Oct 2017

News about doping is different, funny and not very, but this one is very funny: American cyclist Kyle Leogrand caught on seven banned substances at the same time.

No, he's not a boy. As in the literal sense - Kaylu already forty years, and in a figurative - he has already served a disc at the EPO. He was racing earlier for professional cycling teams in the USA. Positive on the EPO was indirect - against him testified the employee of the team for which he was chasing.

doping for cycling

And so, on April 17 of this year Kyle won the race in California. And passed the doping test.

The sample was tested and reported that it found traces of seven (!) Banned drugs, namely:

Raloxifene - a selective modulator of estrogen receptors. A substance that reduces the effect of female sex hormones in the body.

Ostrin is a selective androgen receptor modulator. Substance, which, on the contrary, increases the effect, but already androgenic hormones.

Ibutamoren - a stimulant for the production of its own growth hormone by the human pituitary gland.

GW1516 is a receptor agonist activated by a peroxisome proliferator. This is my topic, at one time Grigory Rodchenkov "found" this substance from me, joyfully reporting that it was the first positive in the world on the GW1516. What happened next with Rodchenkov - a story of a completely different direction. In theory, this thing raises stamina, if in brief.

RAD140 is an ostarin type, only in the profile. In theory and on the muscles a little increases endurance and resistance to stress. Actively advertised all sorts of troubled barygami.

LGD4033 - one more, such as ostarin and RAD140. It also increases strength, power endurance, is also actively advertised on the black market.

Anadrin - an ancient thing, quite toxic, in fact, has long been no longer sold, where he found it - a mystery. Inventories apparently were, a year from 2010.

How is this possible?

Modern doping control catches some substances for years. Unfortunately for Kyle, he chose exactly those substances that are being metabolized in the body for a long time.

Most likely, of course, he did not expect that after leaving the professionals, he could get under control on an amateur race. By the way, this is what makes doping in amateur sports a huge problem. As one of my friends joked, "It's enough to put on RUSADA's vest and show up at the finish of the amateur bike race to provoke a mass panic."

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