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6 Working Substance for Tranquility

22 Dec 2016

In the last issue we discussed the matter, the ability to slow time by accelerating the psyche. Today will be the complete opposite. The issue is extremely useful for those who do not need to accelerate yourself, who are often under stress and just can not stand the pulsation in the temples, and slight tremor. Let's start:

  • GABAergic drugs.

GABA - is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter, it slows down the transmission of nerve impulses, which allows you to safely react to the world around us, while in itself a gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA does not cause drowsiness, with the correct dosage, and there is a sense of peace.

One of the most popular supplements on the basis of the GABA - GABA. With it, there is a minus - GABA very poorly penetrates into the brain from the general circulation. And the solution here is simple - taking high dosages of 3-4 grams per day. For example, 2 grams in the afternoon, 2 evening.

Interestingly another point: GABA supplement easily sold in sports shops, while Aminalon or Gammalon that have similar structure of matter in pharmacies sold by prescription, although it is rarely asked.
Phenibut and pikamilon - a GABA + adjuvant. In this challenging phenibut phenyl group, and at picamilon - nicotinic acid. If you rely on subjective impressions, then Phenibut works nicely.

  • Glycine.

Is an amino acid that is found in a food with high protein fraction. And you can easily find a table as glycine contained in the same chicken. Meanwhile, glycine better penetration into the brain, when taken sublingually or sublingually. He is considered a placebo because it used to take 200-300 mg, 2-3 tablets. So, if you want to experience the calming effect of glycine is appropriate under the tongue 25 tablets of 100 mg, and half an hour later - still 25. Total: 5 grams of glycine.
This is probably the safest nootrop and, in some studies, was made up to 20 grams of glycine without harm to the body. It works on a similar path to the GABA - slows down the transmission of nerve impulses.

  • Ashwagandha

The plant, rendering diverse actions. Here and protection of nerve cells, and antidepressant effects, and soothing. The effects of its reception are beginning to be felt in a few days / weeks after the start of the course. This is its small minus.

It is sold mostly in capsules. The recommended daily dosage of about 2 grams, with good endurance, it increased by 2-3 times.
And yes, ashwagandha has a positive effect on neurotrophic factors, which are in the growth and development of nerve cells.

  • Cava

It also has the name of kava. Who are interested, read the story of the discovery of this plant is very interesting. Kava reduces anxiety, while an important aspect is the selection of the correct dosage, and it should be not less than 250-300 mg and have a high content of Cavalactone - working component of cava.

  • Tincture of valerian, mint, motherwort, Rhodiola. 

Traditionally, various tinctures people perceive as a kind of archaism, plant tinctures used hundreds of years ago. Formally, all right, except that they are actually working. Yes, it's not hard tranquilizers that although the elephant calm and fell to the ground, the conventional minute. Liqueurs are softer. They do not cost a pretty penny, and sold in any drugstore. From infusions are rarely serious side effects, even if many times increase the dosage, as I myself was able to see an example of Rhodiola when experimentally drank half a bottle a day. In general, infusion - a working version.

  • Propranolol.

Doping for athletes who need calm and prudence: shooting, bowling, billiards, etc. The drug is related to adrenaline, more precisely in blocking the action of adrenaline.
Think back to an important presentation, dash, or any other place where you would have to behave more calmly, but his hands anyway shaking and heart beats, there is power. This explosive mixture of adrenaline and noradrenaline. Imagine if you could become much calmer in part by turning off adrenaline. No, it does not guarantee complete peace of mind, but guarantees a reduction in the action of adrenaline. Propranolol - a beta-blocker. The drug has many contraindications, acts almost daily. And the project on the side of the other ways to reduce nervousness, but the substance is effective, is not addictive and you need to say about it. Suitable for the most desperate)

Dangerous things

More clever nick sedatives and tranquilizers immediately exclaim: "Where is the Benzodiazepines ?!". For those who do not know, benzodiazepines - is perhaps the most powerful tranquilizing agent, something like cocaine and amphetamine in the world sedatives.

1.Hypersthenic variant of asthenic syndrome (irritability, excitability, etc.):

- Group of products:

Tranquilizers and neuroleptics with predominantly sedative and vegetative-stabilizing effect, nootropics with sedative effects, adaptogens

Phenazepam, Eunoctin(Nitrazepam), Phenibut, Teralen, Mebicar, Picamilon, Glycine, Polyvitamins.

2.Hyposthenic variant of asthenic syndrome (with lethargy, weakness, fatigue):

Group of Products:

Tranquilizers and neuroleptics with stimulating effect, nootropics with stimulating effect, adaptogens:

Medazepam, Grandaxin, Eglonil, Mebicar, Tanakan, Piracetam, Sidnokarb, Polyvitamins.

They can cause serious addiction and for this reason, they are, today, has been neglected.

Bottom Line:

To soothe herself, or accelerate, it is not necessary to use any prohibited substances or addictive. For non-medical purposes, for stress is fine Cava, Ashwagandha, Glycine, Phenibut, of GABA, infusions of mint, Motherwort and Rhodiola. All of mind! See you later!

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