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5 books about the structure of DNA

28 Nov 2016

What to read about the molecules that store information about the properties of all living organisms.

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The special role of DNA molecules is derived from the fact that is it holds complete information on the structure and properties of any living organism, and in all detail. That is why the knowledge of all the features of the structure of DNA is crucial. With the discovery by Watson and Crick in 1953, the structure of the most important structure of DNA, the famous double helix, or as it is called experts, «B-form DNA," a new era in the history of human civilization - the era of molecular biology and genetics, biotechnology, and based on molecular genetics medicine. Over the past since the discovery of the double helix years, the value of the science of DNA has grown. Nowadays in civilized countries almost no child is born without a diagnosis of his DNA, while he is still in the womb, no trial takes place without the analysis of the DNA of the accused of a felony. In addition, DNA analysis to diagnose set of hereditary diseases. In addition, the entire industry has a huge development of new medicines, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases is based on the science of DNA. Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin injection) - is extremely essential for DNA synthesis making.

  • 1.J. Watson "Double Helix."

It has long become a classic exposition of the history of the discovery by Watson of the double helix. The book is written so vividly that the reader feels like a participant in the events. In reading, however, should not be overlooked that this is a very subjective look at the history of one of the greatest discoveries in the history of science. It is known that Crick book is not much liked. Some of those who witnessed the events, criticized Watson for caricature Rosalind Franklin, whose data is actually stolen from it, played a key role in the discovery, made by Watson and Crick. Eventually, after the publication of the book of Watson, the role of this extraordinary woman was appreciated, and now it is considered the most significant women scientists in the twentieth century. And the Watson Crick after death is undoubtedly the most outstanding scientists of living.

  • 2.Frank-Kamenetskiy "Queen of the living cell."

Non-fiction books of the author of these lines, dedicated to the science of DNA. It gives an accessible form and in historical retrospect detailed presentation of the subject. Particular attention is paid to those aspects of the science of DNA, the study of which play an important role physics and mathematics, for example, DNA topology. In fact, it is the 4th substantially revised edition of a book originally published in light back in 1983 under the title "The most important molecule." Since then, she has been published in many languages, including withstood two editions in English. It should be noted that in the current edition of the fault of the publisher admitted serious errors in the illustrations.

  • 3.C.R. Calladine et al. «Understanding DNA»

Non-fiction books of renowned specialists in the field of DNA structure. In the book in more detail than in the "Queen", describes the fine details of the atomic structure of DNA, which play an important role in the functioning of the molecule. It is enough to analyze in detail such issues not covered in the "Queen" as the bending of the double helix, its winding in the nucleosome particle, the basic elements of chromosomes. The structure of the nucleosome, chemical modifications thereof are extremely important for the understanding of the most pressing questions of biology of higher organisms (eukaryotes). These issues include: regulation of gene expression by altering nucleosome positions along the DNA and epigenetics, transmitted to daughter cells at division chemical modifications that affect the expression of genes, but not recorded in the genome. Of course, there are also substantial thematic overlap between this book and "The Queen", such as the topology of DNA and supercoiling.

  • 4.A.D. Bates, A. Maxwell «DNA Topology».

The perfect guide for those who want to get to know in depth the most interesting topic of DNA topology. Rather, it is a textbook than a popular science book. In the book, the reader will find everything on the subject: available and set out mathematical problems, and the results of computer simulation nodes in the DNA, and the DNA supercoiling. the most important issues of topoisomerase enzymes and molecular machines, changing the topology of the DNA is also covered in detail. The authors examine the details of how the transition induces negative supercoiling of DNA with specific sequences of B-canonical forms unusual structure such as Z-shape, cruciform structures and three-chain H-form.

  • 5.R. Dawkins' The Selfish Gene. ‘

Perhaps this book in popularity among a wide range of readers are not inferior to "double helix" Watson. Dawkins - a recognized master of science popularization. In the book, Darwin developed the idea of evolution and natural selection, but not at the level of organisms, and at the DNA level. That is actually the organisms are seen as the repository of DNA, which has as its sole purpose to multiply uncontrollably. Because the needs in the cell unit, it is placed inside the cell nucleus and from there directs all cellular DNA farming for their reproduction. Since natural selection laws are ruthless, DNA evolves so that it carries the body defeated in this ruthless struggle for survival and expansion habitat selfish DNA. whether a person will be able, first of beings realized the deceit and cruelty of selfish DNA, put an end to this senseless fight? This is the question that puts Dawkins at the end of his book.

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