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5 Books About Schizophrenia (Split Mind)

06 Dec 2016

What to read about the causes, symptoms and treatments of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia, Split Mind, Pinealon, Cogitum, Picamilon

Schizophrenia is a severe debilitating disease that leads to serious changes in mental activity, and in some cases - to dementia. Symptoms of the disease vary, which creates significant difficulties for diagnosis and to predict disease. Patients with schizophrenia often hear voices, they think, they read the thoughts of others, and sometimes it seems to them that someone controls their minds. The growing mental changes lead to the fact that patients with this diagnosis becomes difficult to match the obtained professional status, they lose their former place in society.

  • 1.Gannushkin “Selected papers on psychiatry.”

Selected Works of Peter Gannushkin are classified as rare works that over the years do not lose their relevance. Considered in this treatise questions about mental health boundaries, communication of mental disorders and somatic sphere, the role of the anatomical, physiological, endocrinological prerequisites for the formation of psychopathological picture will be useful to psychiatrists, drug, internists, psychologists and philosophers, as well as all those interested in the problem of personality.

  • 2.Bogdanovic “Diary of a psychiatrist

"Diary of a psychiatrist," written in the middle of the last century, by the candidate of medical sciences Lydia Bogdanovic, is quite unusual in its genre: it is not an academic work in psychiatry - a collection of literary essays that demonstrate features of the psychiatrist. The book describes a series of philosophical reflections on life phenomena associated with schizophrenia. Breaking with the Soviet public moral rules mid XX century, the author discusses a number of important ethical issues based on the analysis of typical cases of neuropsychiatric diseases. To improve brain functions and reduce split mind (schizophrenia) we suggest to buy: Peptides Pinealon, Cogitum, Phenotropil, Phenibut, Selank, Picamilon.

  • 3.Fuller Torrey “Schizophrenia.”

Book a prominent American psychiatrist Edwin Fuller Torrey - the first popular edition in Russian, devoted to the problem of mental illness. The author covers a wide range of topics: the theory of schizophrenia, the most typical symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment with antipsychotic drugs, social rehabilitation of people with mental disorders. The purpose of the book - to help understand such diseases as schizophrenia: its main symptoms, prognosis, and possible development of methods of treatment and rehabilitation.

  • 4.Garrabet “History of Schizophrenia.”

The monograph of the French psychiatrist Jean Garrabet professor describes the history and development of the theory of schizophrenia - a disease which still remains a subject of debate and controversy. The book covers not only medical, but also psycho-social, cultural, ethnic, and even political problems of schizophrenia. The book highlights the evolution of the different points of view on these issues. This product can be recommended not only for professionals working in the field of psychiatry, but also all those interested in mental health issues.

  • 5.Snezhnevsky “Schizophrenia (lectures).”

The book contains verbatim lecture notes Andrew Snezhnevsky on issues of clinical schizophrenia. Lectures on general psychopathology, read Andrew Snezhnevsky, repeatedly published in Russia and continue to be a handbook for psychiatrists. The course of lectures on schizophrenia, which was read in 1964, has not lost its relevance today.

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