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5-HTP (5 hydroxytryptophan)

24 Nov 2016

5-HTP5 hydroxytryptophan (it is also known as ocsitriptan) are the amino acid which is found in the nature, in particular in Griffonia simplicifolia seeds. Is a precursor of neurotransmitter of serotonin. Is also intermediate substance in a metabolism of a tryptophan, one of the major amino acids.

5-HTP (5 hydroxytryptophan)

5 hydroxytryptophan not only the precursor of a serotonin, are also formed of it melatonin. Melatonin is the hormone regulating the cycle "dream wakefulness". It provides a natural backfilling. Therefore 5 hydroxytryptophan, being a precursor of melatonin, can normalize a dream.

Drug is used at big depressive disorder in many European countries; Indications to use — the low level of a serotonin and a depression.

The day norm of consumption 5-HTP isn't established, usually is issued tablets on 50 mg.

5-HTP it is synthesized in a human body from a tryptophan in an intestine. The tryptophan, in turn, is irreplaceable amino acid, i.e., the organism has no opportunity independently it to synthesize and receives with an albuminous nutrition: mushrooms, oats, bananas, dried dates, peanut, sesame, pine nut, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese). It causes the increased appetite of the person at a serotonin disadvantage - the organism seeks to fill shortage of its precursors.

5-HTP it is generally extracted from seeds of the African tree of Griffonia simplicifolia. Also it can be synthesized in laboratory - the final product is identical to a 5-gidrokistriptofan of the person made in a body. Seeds of Griffonia simplicifolia contain small percent (3% - 7%) 5-HTP therefore the use of seeds is noneffective.


Raising of mood, nervousness depression, aggression depression, loss of appetite, augmentation of emission of beta endorphines, augmentation of a pain threshold, softening of symptoms of illness of Parkinson, softening of symptoms of migraine and headaches.

Influence on a dream: 5-HTP exerts positive impact on length of a dream and quality. Improvement of quality of a dream is bound to REM suppression (a bystry phase of a dream), to the subsequent kickback, and it leads to dream brightness augmentation in the morning. 5-HTP enlarges serotonin level that causes more deep and quiet sleep. For a qualitative dream it is enough to accept 100-150 mg.

Concentration 5-HTP in plasma

Councils for reception, dosage

The best time for reception 5-HTP is selected individually. If 5-HTP is accepted as sleeping pill, it has to be accepted in the evening, shortly before a dream. In case of its use as an antidepressant reception can be carried out at any time. If 5-HTP is accepted for weight reduction - in this case it has to be accepted with food. An average therapeutic daily dose for the adult - 50 mg (the dosage is higher than 50 mg it is considered a high dose). The drugs containing 5-HTP in dosages of 50 and 100 mg are most spread in sale. It is also required to avoid a nutrition with the high content of proteins before reception 5-HTP. In case of day use 5-HTP more than 25 mg since higher doses are capable to cause sleepiness are the best of all not to accept doses. 5-HTP it is better acquired by an organism on an empty stomach.

Joint reception with B6 vitamin

The advantage of combination of reception 5-HTP and B6 vitamin (Vitamin B6 pyridoxine injection) consists that B6 vitamin promotes transformation 5-HTP to a serotonin (the majority of drugs and dietary supplement on the basis of 5-HTP and a tryptophan already contain in the structure B6 vitamin).

Precautions at reception

It is impossible to use 5-HTP together with monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO) and drugs of group of inhibitors of the return serotonin reuptake and with care with agonists of production of serotonin in order to avoid seroton syndrome at all. Excessive concentration of a serotonin in a brain is capable to cause unpleasant changes of a perception. However, these effects are corrected by reception of B3 and B6 vitamins. At animal experiments, high doses of a tryptophan at pregnant women led to decrease of the size of a fetus and augmentation of percent of mortinatus. Over high doses (higher than 6 grams) can do strong harm to a liver. Until results of researches of a clinical use become known, it is worth abstaining from reception of high doses 5-HTP and to avoid prolonged use.

Side effects

At short-term reception of high doses 5-HTP side effects are shown in a look: nausea, vomiting, gastric spastic strictures, dropping of a libido (since. A serotonin has the braking effect in sex behavior), an uneasy dream, and extension of time of sexual intercourse at the expense of an ejaculation delay is also possible. It is also worth noticing that at the people accepting 5-HTP long time tolerance to this drug can develop. At long reception side effects are up to the end not investigated. According to the confirmed information about 5-HTP, correct won't accept drug throughout all duration of gestation and several months prior to it. Also you shouldn't use drug at schizophrenia.

Advantages of drugs on the basis of 5-HTP

Many from using drugs on the basis of 5-HTP, noted improvement of mood, depression or total absence of concern, improvement of a dream, and also appetite decrease (that leads, eventually, to loss of excess weight). But not everyone pays attention to a loss of appetite as effect of reception 5-HTP since main objectives of reception are profilaktiya of various type of depressions. Also 5-HTP can help some people having headaches and migraine.

Compatibility with other drugs

Use 5-HTP together with SIOZS group antidepressants (selective inhibitors of the return neyronal serotonin reuptake), such as Prozac (fluoxetine), Paxil (paroksetin), Zoloft (sertralin) and others isn't investigated properly. There are unconfirmed data on combination of small doses 5-HTP - 50 mg or less, with small doses of the specified drugs (under sensitive observation of medics). It is supposed that joint reception of 5-HTP and selective blockers of a serotonin - for example, fluoxetine, can lead to development of serotonin syndrome.

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