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Uniflox eye drops 5ml

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Uniflox (Ofloxacin) eye drops - is an antimicrobial agent of the group of fluoroquinolones of a wide spectrum of action. The bactericidal effect of ofloxacin is associated with the blockade of the DNA-gyrase enzyme in bacterial cells.


The drug Uniflox is used to treat bacterial infections of the anterior parts of the eyes caused by pathogens sensitive to ofloxacin, for example infectious conjunctivitis, keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, blepharitis, blepharoconjunctivitis, dacryocystitis, barley, chalazion and corneal ulcers. To prevent infection of the eye, Uniflox is indicated in preparation for surgery, after internal and intraocular operations, after removal of foreign particles and eye trauma. The drug is also used as a component in the complex treatment of endoflamates.


Uniflox is used to treat otitis externa (external otitis media), otitis media acuta (acute otitis media of the middle ear), otitis media chronica suppurativa (chronic purulent otitis media of the middle ear) (with perforation of the tympanic membrane) and prophylactically for operation on the ears of adults. In children, the drug is used to treat otitis externa (external otitis media), otitis media acuta (acute otitis media of the middle ear) with tympanotomy.


The drug Uniflox should not be used with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug or to other fluoroquinolones.

Chronic conjunctivitis of non-infectious origin.

Infectious inflammation of the anterior and posterior parts of the eyes or ancillary organs of the eyes, as well as meatus acusticusexternus (external auditory canal) or auris interna (inner ear), caused by bacteria resistant to ofloxacin.

To prescribe the drug to women during pregnancy or breastfeeding, there must be extremely serious reasons.

The drug can not be administered to children under the age of 3 years.

Application in pregnancy and lactation:

The safety of the use of ofloxacin by pregnant women has not been proven, but there is no information on the conduct of controlled or objectively evaluated studies.

It is not known whether ofloxacin penetrates into the mother's milk when applied topically. Therefore, during pregnancy or breastfeeding, Uniflox can be used only if the expected therapeutic effect for the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus or the baby.

Special instructions:

Before the first administration of the drug, a microbiological study of smears taken from the conjunctival sac or external auditory canal is recommended to determine the sensitivity of strains of bacteria to the preparation.

The patient should not wear contact lenses during the application of the drug.

During the period of treatment with the drug, if possible, also do not wear hard contact lenses or at least take them out before the drug is administered and use them again only 20 minutes after the administration of the drug.

Action on the ability to orientate in the road and the skills of working with mechanisms. Reducing attention during driving or operating a car is unlikely. Immediately after using the drug, blurred vision may occur, which may complicate the implementation of the above actions. Consequently, car driving, machine operation and work at altitude is not recommended, at least for 15 minutes after application of the drug.

Suggested Use:

Uniflox 0.3% can be used by adults, teenagers, and children over the age of 3 years.


Adults. The exact dose of the drug and the duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor. Usually the first two days are instilled 1-2 drops hourly, during the next 2-3 days 1-2 drops are instilled 6-8 times a day at the same intervals. The duration of treatment lasts at least 7 days (3 days after the cessation of purulent discharge) and should not exceed 14 days.

Children aged 3 years and over. The use and dosage of the drug should be specially prescribed by an ophthalmologist, and the entire course of treatment should be carried out under his outpatient care. Typically, assign 1 drop 5 times a day for a period that does not exceed 7 days.


A solution intended for instillation in the ears should be inserted into the ear canal, with the patient lying down with a sick ear to the top. In this position, the patient should be. at least within 5 minutes after the administration of the drug. The introduction of a cold solution should be avoided, because this can lead to a thermal reaction (dizziness). Therefore, it is recommended to preheat the solution before instillation into the ear, holding the bottle with a solution in the palm of your hand for 1-2 minutes.

For better penetration of the solution to the auris media (middle ear), the patient is recommended to pull the tragus out of the ear.

Adults. The exact dose of the drug and the duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor. As a rule, with otitis externa (external otitis), 10 drops are administered twice a day for 10 days. With otitis media chronica suppurativa (chronic purulent otitis media of the middle ear) (with perforation of the tympanic membrane) 10 drops are administered twice a day for 14 days.

Children aged 3 years and over. The use and dosage of the drug to children should be specially appointed by the otolaryngologist, and the entire course of treatment should be carried out under his outpatient supervision. With otitis externa (external otitis), otitis mediaacuta (acute otitis media of the middle ear) with tympanotomy usually 5 drops are administered twice a day for 10 days.

Side effects:

After the drug is injected into the conjunctive sac, slight burning and redness of the conjunctiva may occur temporarily. After instillation in the ear, itching may occur and a bitter taste in the mouth. It is very rare to experience eczema, paresthesia, dizziness, tinnitus, ear pain and a feeling of dryness in the mouth.


  • Comes in original packaging. Item is brand new and unopened.


  • Keep away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep locked and away from children.
  • Store in dry place at room temperature.
  • Do not exceed storage temperature higher than 25 C

Important notice- the outer box design may vary before prior notice!


Uniflox eye drops 5ml buy Ofloxacin antimicrobial agent for eyes and ears

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