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Tiramin thyroid bioregulator 40 pills

USD 45.00

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Cytamins Tiramin: Improves thyroid gland at various violations of its functions, normalizes energy metabolism

The thyroid gland is a endocrine organ plays a significant role in shaping somato- and psycho man functioning of various endocrine glands, regulation of mineral and energy metabolism, affects the reproductive function, is involved in the regulation of higher nervous activity. Factors causing dysfunction and thyroid disease are diverse, so to correct and prevent violations gormonogeneza developing in various diseases, developed "Tiramin".

  • It improves the metabolism of thyroid cells, resulting in normal levels of thyroid hormone production, which positively affects the metabolism of the whole organism.
  • It accelerates the recovery of thyroid function after surgery and after extreme stress loads.
  • It recommended for use as a preventive measure in areas endemic for thyroid disease.

Components for "Tiramin", derived from the thyroid glands of cattle, are a nucleoprotein complex, which acts selectively on thyroid cells, which contributes to the restoration of its functional and organic properties.

Clinical trials "Tiramin" were conducted in 180 patients with primary hypothyroidism. In patients with primary hypothyroidism dominated by subjective symptoms and astenoneurotic asthenovegetative syndromes. According to the results of instrumental studies determined the signs of hypo- and atrophic changes in the thyroid gland.

The conclusion about the effectiveness of the use of "Tiramin" made on the basis of the dynamics of subjective complaints and performance of laboratory and instrumental studies, as well as control over the content of thyroid hormones in the blood group.

As a result, clinical studies found that foreign exchange reception "Tiramin" contributes to the improvement of the disease in 84% of cases, with the greatest effect seen in older adults with severe symptoms of atrophic changes of the thyroid gland. While taking "Tiramin" happened improving efficiency, reducing the frequency and intensity of headaches, as well as cardialgia with the normalization of the electrocardiogram parameters. Revealed elevated levels of thyroid hormones to subnormal values, which may indicate a stabilizing effect of the components "Tiramin" on cancer cell metabolism and a positive effect on metabolic processes in general.

"Tiramin" recommended in situations of thyroid dysfunction, hypo- and hyperfunction, tumor processes in the glandular tissue. As a preventive measure, "Tiramin" it is advisable to use public areas endemic for thyroid disease. Reception "Tiramin" as recommended by the older persons and the elderly to maintain thyroid function.


  • at hypo-and hyperthyroidism
  • autoimmune thyroiditis
  • in the pre- and postoperative periods during operations on the thyroid gland
  • in conditions of extreme stress after stress
  • older persons and the elderly for maintaining thyroid function


  • idiosyncrasy of the product components
  • pregnancy
  • breast-feeding

Suggested Use:

1-3 tablets 2-3 times a day for 10-15 minutes before meals with water without chewing.
Course: 10-14 days.
The repeated course in 3-6 months.


  • Comes in original packaging. Item is brand new and unopened.


  • Keep away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep locked and away from children.
  • Store in dry place at room temperature.
  • Do not exceed storage temperature higher than 25 C

Important notice - the outer box design may vary before prior notice!


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