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Velakast (Sofosvubir 400mg + Velpatasvir 100mg) 84 tablets for course

USD 749.00

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We also have different products for treatment Hepatitis. Please contact us.

Velakast (Sofosvubir 400mg + Velpatasvir 100mg) - is the newest drug velpatasvir + sofosbuvir for the treatment of all genotypes of hepatitis C.

Each Velakast tablet contains 400 mg of sofosbuvir and 100 mg of velpatasvir.

Velakast APRAZER Health Care is widely used to fight the hepatitis C virus of genotypes 1-6. 

The drug can be prescribed as monotherapy or for combined treatment of patients with or without cirrhosis.

VELAKAST consists of a fixed-dose combination of sofosbuvir and velpatasvir, which are direct-acting antiviral drugs against the hepatitis C virus.

Indications for use

Velakast (Sofosvubir 400mg + Velpatasvir 100mg) - is prescribed for hepatitis C caused by different genotypes, as well as for kidney or liver failure, HIV, compensated cirrhosis. The drug is also used after previous ineffective therapy of the disease. If necessary, ribavirin is taken in parallel, the dosage of which is selected based on the patient's body weight and hemoglobin level. It is not recommended to change the dosage of Velakast, since in this case there is a possibility of overdose or, conversely, a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug.

The duration of Velakast therapy depends on the genotype of the hepatitis C virus:

  • Genotypes I and II – 3 months.
  • Genotypes III, if ribavirin is included in the treatment, - 3 months, if not-six months. This applies only to those patients who have already been treated before. In primary therapy, Velakast is always drunk for 12 weeks.
  • Genotypes IV, V and VI - 12 weeks.

Velakast tablet should be taken once a day in its entirety, with a sufficient amount of boiled water. It is recommended that you take your hepatitis medication at the same time, regardless of your meal. If you miss one dose, you should take the tablet within 12 hours.


Buy Velakast (Sofosvubir 400mg + Velpatasvir 100mg) 84 tablets for course Buy Sofosvubir 400mg + Velpatasvir 100mg Buy treatment of hepatitis Sofosvubir and Velpatasvir

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