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Renisamin kidney bioregulator 40 pills

USD 45.00

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Cytamins Renisamin: Contributes to the normalization and improvement of renal function in a variety of disorders, prevents the development of pathological changes in kidney tissue

When you change the function and diseases of the kidneys are developing metabolic disorders characterized by an increase in nitrogen compounds in the blood, decreased urine output and hypermetabolism, which contributes to the development of acute and chronic renal failure. As a result of inflammation of various etiologies (infectious, autoimmune, toxic) in the renal parenchyma and renal system leading out the structural changes taking place in violation of the process of urine formation and mochevyvedeniya. In order to correct and prevent the pathological changes that occur in various kidney diseases developed "Renisamin".

  • Has a selective effect on renal tissue cells, contributes to the normalization of their work, and prevention of pathological changes.
  • It accelerates the recovery of renal function in various forms of violations, including the nephropathy, nephritis, nephrosis.
  • It is recommended for the early stages of hypertension, metabolic syndrome, in the procedures of weight loss, as well as for the elderly to maintain kidney function.

Components "Renisamin" derived from the kidneys of cattle, are a nucleoprotein complex, have a selective effect on the cells of the renal parenchyma and tubular system, which contributes to the restoration of impaired renal function and activation of repair processes in the kidney tissues.

Clinical trials "Renisamin" were conducted in 174 patients with gouty nephropathy, benign nephrosclerosis and other kidney diseases associated with impaired renal function.

The effectiveness of "Renisamin" in the complex treatment was assessed by the dynamics of subjective complaints and objective indicators of laboratory, functional and instrumental studies.

The studies found that the use of "Renisamin" contributed to smoothing the clinical manifestations of gout nephropathy in 77% of cases. Against the background of his admission was observed activation of renal tissue metabolism, accompanied by increased secretion of renal function. Patients with benign nephrosclerosis use "Renisamin" helped to reduce the severity of the manifestations of urinary syndrome: proteinuria, and red blood cell tsilindrourii.

"Renisamin" is used to speed up the restoration of the body's excretory function kidney diseases of different etiologies, it is also recommended to the elderly with a view to the normalization of kidney function.


  • acute renal failure
  • uremic enteropathy
  • chronic kidney disease
  • chronic renal failure
  • with hypertension 1 stage, especially in young patients
  • in pre- and postoperative period during operations on the kidneys
  • older persons and the elderly to maintain kidney function.


  • idiosyncrasy of the product components
  • pregnancy
  • breast-feeding

Suggested Use:

1-3 tablets 2-3 times a day for 10-15 minutes before meals with water without chewing.
Course: 10-14 days.
The repeated course in 3-6 months.


  • Comes in original packaging. Item is brand new and unopened.


  • Keep away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep locked and away from children.
  • Store in dry place at room temperature.
  • Do not exceed storage temperature higher than 25 C

Important notice - the outer box design may vary before prior notice!


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