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Peptide complex 8 10ml for prevention and treatment of liver diseases

USD 35.00

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It contains peptides - the liver, prevention and treatment of liver diseases.


  • prevention of premature aging
  • metabolic disorders
  • obesity
  • biliary dyskinesia
  • cholecystitis
  • chronic intoxications (chemicals, drugs, alcohol)
  • chronic hepatitis of any etiology
  • prevention of liver cirrhosis

Liquid peptide complex 8 for the treatment and prevention of liver diseases and disorders associated with it, has a restorative effect on the liver cells, reduces toxicity, improve the quality of blood.

Peptide complexes 8 have effects for the liver

The role of the liver

Liver - a filter that not only cleanses the body, but still involved in many other processes, such as hematopoiesis. The liver performs many functions in the human body. It stores and blood, and cleans it of toxins and other impurities, it participates in the digestion and stores the health of articular cartilage.

Vital activity of any organism is associated with the regular metabolism. Where does the body of toxins, allergens, how to clean the blood from her unnecessary items? The function of cleaning the body, and many more, the liver performs. Violations of the liver facing very serious trouble, such as toxic poisoning, metabolic disorders and obesity, hepatitis. Peptide complex ¹8 was created to restore normal metabolism and prevention of certain diseases associated with functional hepatic impairment.

Principles of Peptide Complex ¹8 liver

The peptide complex 8 included liver peptides bioantioksidantny Neovitin complex and essential oil of Orange. Peptides help the natural regeneration of the liver cells, its structure and function. Neovitin - a biological natural antioxidant derived from the biomass of a ginseng. In addition, within its range of active substances help strengthen blood vessels, and it is important for the liver. Orange essential oil purifies the blood and reduces the cholesterol content in it, as well as a number of other useful features.

The principle of operation peptide complex 8 to the liver is a peptide chain binding to the DNA and recovering the cyclic process of synthesis of new proteins. Other active components of PC-08 deeply penetrate into the structure of the liver cells and normalize all its processes.

The results of the application of Peptide complex 8 to the liver

  • restoration of the liver cells;
  • reduction of intoxication;
  • prevention of liver diseases and related;
  • improving the quality of blood;
  • normalization of liver function;
  • reduction in symptoms of diseases associated somehow with impaired liver function, and status.

Peptide Complex Application 8 good for preventing obesity, cholecystitis, hepatitis and other viral liver cirrhosis. Several drops of this applied to the skin once a day for three months, may give a miraculous result. A comprehensive use of other related funds to achieve the most effective and most lasting results, especially in severe and chronic diseases. Peptide complex 8, thanks to its firming and antioxidant properties can be used as prevention of premature aging and increase life expectancy.

Suggested Use:

Apply 6-8 drops on the inner surface of the forearm and rub until completely absorbed. Course duration - 3 months. At the same time you can use up to 6 peptide complexes.


  • Comes in original packaging. Item is brand new and unopened.


  • Keep away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep locked and away from children.
  • Store in dry place at room temperature.
  • Do not exceed storage temperature higher than 25 C

Important notice - the outer box design may vary before prior notice!


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